Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Maltese for Radiographers/ Il-Malti għar-Radjografi

UM LEVEL 00 - Mod Pre-Tert, Foundation, Proficiency & DegreePlus

MQF LEVEL Not Applicable



DESCRIPTION Dan il-kors huwa maħsub għal-gruppi ta’ studenti barranin li jkunu qed jagħmlu kors qasir speċjalizzat fl-Università ta’ Malta, ngħidu aħna l istudenti tal-ERASMUS, u jkollhom bżonn espożizzjoni għall-ilsien Malti minħabba l-esperjenza tax-xogħol u l-istudju li jkollhom jagħmlu Malta. Fil-lezzjonijiet l-istudenti mhux biss jitħarrġu fil-ħiliet bażiċi tat-taħdit u l-kitba bil-Malti, imma wkoll jitgħallmu jkampaw fis-sitwazzjonijiet differenti li jgħaddu minnhom ta’ kuljum f’pajjiżna, l-aktar f’dawk marbutin mal-qasam tal-ispeċjalizzazzjoni tagħhom.

Dan il kors jistgħu jagħżluh l istudenti barranin biss.

This study-unit is designed for groups of foreign students attending short specialized courses at the University of Malta, such as ERASMUS students, who need basic knowledge of Maltese at the survival level in connection with their area of study and related job experience. Students will be helped not only to learn to read and write basic sentences in Maltese, but also to be able to communicate in several daily situations, particularly in those related to their area of specialization.

Only foreign students may follow this study-unit.


- Camilleri, A. (1997) Merħba Bik. Malta: Colour Image.
- Sciriha, L. (1996) Beginning Maltese. Malta: University of Malta.
- Vella, J. (1993) Learn Maltese: Why not? Malta: Valletta Publishing.

ADDITIONAL NOTES This study-unit is only available to Erasmus students.


Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Oral Examination SEM2 Yes 40%
Examination (1 Hour) SEM2 Yes 60%

LECTURER/S Olvin Vella


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The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints.
Units not attracting a sufficient number of registrations may be withdrawn without notice.
It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2023/4. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.