Prof. Emanuel Buttigieg

Prof. Emanuel Buttigieg

Prof. Emanuel Buttigieg


Associate Professor

Room 203
Department of History
Faculty of Arts
The University of Malta
  +356 2340 2949
Emanuel Buttigieg is Associate Professor in early modern history, Co-ordinator of the Diploma in Maltese History in Context and the MA in Hospitaller Studies, and a member of the Board of Studies for the MA in Mediterranean Studies.

He graduated B.A.(Hons) at the University of Malta in 2002; as part of his undergraduate studies he spent a semester at the University of Exeter as an Erasmus exchange student. During 2003-2004 he was engaged as a Principal Officer at the Office of the Prime Minister of Malta. In 2004 he was awarded a Commonwealth(Cambridge) Scholarship in order to read for an M.Phil. in early modern history at the University of Cambridge; he wrote a dissertation about childhood history in early modern Malta. In 2005, he was awarded further scholarships from the Arts and Humanities Research Council of Great Britain, the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust and the Janatha Stubbs Foundation (Malta) in order to be able to pursue his studies at a doctoral level. His Ph.D. dealt with nobility, faith and masculinity in the Order of Malta in the seventeenth century. His Ph.D. supervisor was Prof Mary Laven of Jesus College. His college in Cambridge was Peterhouse.

Key publications include 'Nobility, Faith and Masculinity: The Hospitaller Knights of Malta, c.1580-c.1700' (London and New York: Continuum, 2011), 'Islands and Military Orders, c.1291-c.1798' (Farnham: Ashgate, 2013), co-edited with Simon Phillips, and 'The University of Malta: Legacies & Bearings' (Malta: Malta University Press, 2020) as co-editor and co-author. At present he is Treasurer of the Malta University Historical Society (MUHS) and he was a Committee member of the Malta Historical Society (MHS) between 2011 and 2015.

Emanuel Buttigieg is happy to supervise dissertations dealing with early modern themes in general, and the Order of St John in particular.

He makes regular appearances on radio and TV programmes as an expert guest speaker on a variety of historical themes and current affairs, as well as presenting programmes on Campus 103.7.
  • History
  • Early modern history
  • Gender studies
  • Mediterranean History
  • History of religions
  • Global history
  • Military-religious orders - Order of Malta (Hospitallers)
  • ARC5004 - Manifestations of Maritime Culture: Objects, Voices and Landscapes
  • HST1019 - The Craft of History
  • HST1021 - Europe in early modern times c.1450 - c.1789
  • HST1022 - The Order of St John 1530-1798: A Cultural History Approach
  • HST1050 - Maltese History in Context: An Overview
  • HST1052 - Studying History
  • HST2011 - The Practice of History
  • HST2029 - Global history (c.1492 - c.1870)
  • HST3077 - Synoptic Study-Unit 1 - International and Global History
  • HST3078 - Synoptic Study-Unit 2 - European History
  • HST3097 - Synoptic Study-Unit: Maltese and Mediterranean History
  • HST3098 - Synoptic Study-Unit (European and International History)