Dr Emanuel Mizzi

Dr Emanuel Mizzi

Dr Emanuel Mizzi



Room 318
Old Humanities
University of Malta
  +356 2340 3341
Dr. Emanuel Mizzi is a lecturer and tutor in business education, retailing and entrepreneurship, and the co-ordinator of the Masters in Teaching and Learning course in Business Education at the Faculty of Education, University of Malta. This course educates student teachers in the pedagogy of teaching accounting, business studies and economics.
Before joining the Faculty in November 2015, Dr Mizzi has enjoyed teaching the business education subjects for twenty years at secondary, post-secondary and tertiary levels. He also has 34 years of experience in the teaching and formation of children, adolescents and youths in the informal education sector at centres of the Society of Christian Doctrine (http://www.sdcmuseum.org/).
He holds a PhD qualification in Business and Economics Education at the UCL Institute of Education, an Honours degree in Economics, a P.G.C.E. in Business Education, and a distinction in his Master in Education (Inclusion and Individual Educational Needs).
Dr. Mizzi is the Head of the Department of Technology and Entrepreneurship Education with the Faculty of Education, the International President of the International Society of Business Education (SIEC-ISBE), and a member of the Association of European Economics Education and of the Entrepreneurial Threshold Concepts International Collaboration group.
Dr. Mizzi has actively contributed to professional development by facilitating sessions for lecturers and business education teachers.
  • Business and entrepreneurship education
  • Economics education
  • Retail education
  • Powerful knowledge
  • Threshold concepts
  • Enneagram personality theory
  • TEB4002 - Financial Accounting for Business Educators 2
  • TEB4003 - Cost and Management Accounting for Business Educators
  • TEB4004 - Microeconomics for Business Educators
  • TEB4005 - Macroeconomics for Business Educators
  • TEB4006 - Economics Issues for Business Education Educators
  • TEB5002 - A Cross-Curricular Approach to Business Education
  • TEB5003 - Teaching and Learning Business Studies Concepts
  • TEB5005 - Further Pedagogical Considerations to the Teaching of Accounting
  • TEB5007 - Learning and Teaching Further Economics Concepts
  • TEB5008 - Economics, Finance and Entrepreneurship: Practices, Ideologies and Critique
  • TEB5011 - Basic Applied Practical Skills for Teachers of Retail
  • TET2015 - Design Science: Theory, Processes and Methods
  • TET3009 - Technology, Society and Entrepreneurship
  • TET3013 - Inventors, Inventions and the Process of Inventing
