Towards Evidence-Based Health Care Reform
Health Services Management Symposium The Health Services Management Division, Institute of Health Care, with the support of the Health Division and the Foundation for Medical Services, is organizing a half-day symposium on
Friday 11th January 2002 between 0900hrs and 1300hrs
at the Conference Hall, Institute of Health Care, G'Mangia

The Masters students will present their research findings, while the post-Qualification Diploma students will display their work as poster presentations. All students completed dissertations in a wide array of subject areas and their research projects have yielded interesting and relevant findings, with conclusions that have practical implications for the Health Services in Malta.

The Health Services Management Division of the Institute of Health Care, University of Malta, is responsible for the organization and delivery of management courses with a special focus on Health Services.  Many health services managers, both in the public and private sectors, have completed courses of the Division. Through its training programmes, the Division has also contributed actively in generating support for the health care reform process.  It aims to continue striving for excellence in management development in order to help raise standards of health services management.

In 2001, eight students graduated with a Masters Degree and  sixteen students completed their Post-Qualification Diploma. Furthermore, over 300 staff members successfully attended certificate courses in First Line Management.