Earth Day poster exhibition at the University of Malta Library 

The 33rd annual commemoration of Earth Day, which this year fell on the 22nd April 2003, was celebrated at the University of Malta Library by the launching of a poster exhibition on ëBiodiversity: natureís vast diminishing abundanceí. The posters, currently on loan from the American Centre, draw attention to the fact that by the end of this century a quarter to a half of the species still living on earth could become extinct, and that for the first time in the history of planet Earth mass extinction is being precipitated by human action. The exhibition goes on to highlight the reasons why should humans care and what could be done to reverse this deterioration, at the same time illustrating the wealth of habitats such as rain forests, wetlands, coral reefs and oceans. The poster exhibition was inaugurated by the U.S. Embassy Public Affairs Officer Dr Erik Holm Olsen and will remain on display at the Library during office hours until Friday 23 May 2003.
