A Public Lecture by Dave Baldridge and Mario Garrett 

'The Other America - American Indians: The 550 Sovereign Nations in America'

The Department of Public Policy at the University of Malta would like to invite students, academics and members of the public to a unique event, a public lecture on the status of American Indians at which the main speaker will be Dave Baldridge, a member of the Cherokee Nation and Executive Director of the National Indian Council on Aging in New Mexico. Within the United States of America there are over 550 federally recognized nations. These are sovereign Nations and the lecture will trace and explore the history of this Nation-to-Nation relationship and the current status of American Indians. Demographic and health information will also be provided. The conclusion will discuss changes within Indian communities, especially in health, and how the future might look. How Indians survive under centuries of federal rule is also an important lesson worth debating.

In addition to his current position, which he has held since 1992, Dave Baldridge helps interpret Indian issues for U.S. Congressional sub-committees, federal task forces and represents the interests of 230,000 American Indians and Alaska Native elders on a daily basis. He has also contributed extensively to books and other publications touching on American Indian issues.

Dr Mario Garrett is Director of the Data Analysis Service, Albuquerque, New Mexico and Associate Professor University of New Mexico.

The lecture will take place at the University of Malta on Tuesday, 29 April 2003 at 6.15pm. Everyone is welcome. Further information can be obtained from the Department of Public Policy by calling 2340 2726 or by e.mail to stephanie.abood@um.edu.mt.