Visit by the President of the European Court of Human Rights

Professor Luzius Wildhaber, President, European Court of Human Rights will be visiting Malta next week and will deliver a public lecture entitled The role of the ECHR in the protection and promotion of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms with reference to recent judgments on Thursday, 16 January 2003 at 18:00 in the Aula Magna, Foundation for International Studies, St. Paul's Street, Valletta. Members of staff and interested members of the general public are cordially invited to attend.

Professor Wildhaber received his legal training at the University of Basel and Yale Law School.  He has been Judge of the European Court of Human Rights since 1991 and President since 1998 to which post he was re-elected in 2001.  Professor Wildhaber has had a distinguished academic career. Since 1977, he has been Professor of International, Constitutional and Comparative Law at the University of Basel and was Professor of Law at the University of Fribourg before that. He was also Dean of the Law Faculty and Rector of the University of Basel between 1992-94. He has published articles on self-determination and minority rights.

Communications Office

6 January 2003