Lectures Eighteenth-Century French Literature

University of Malta
Faculty of Arts
Department of French

Professor François Moureau, professor of eighteenth-century French literature at the Université de Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) and Director of the Centre de Recherche sur la littérature des voyages (CRLV) will be giving a series of lectures in French under the general title La Littérature française du Siècle des Lumières. 

The lectures will be held as follows:
Monday 23 February 2004, 5.00-7.00p.m.
Tuesday 24 February 2004, 5.00-7.00p.m.
Wednesday 25 February 2004, 5.00-6.00p.m.
Thursday 26 February 2004, 5.00-7.00p.m.

Venue: Room OH105 (Old Humanities Building, Room 105, Car Park 5),
University of Malta, Msida.  

The general public is invited to attend.