MKSU organises "CELEBRATION OF LIFE" - Tuesday 1st November 2005

Today the Moviment Kattoliku Studenti Universitarji (MKSU) organised its fifth annual peace activity, named Celebration of Life.

The activity started at 11.00am with songs by Dorothy Bezzina and her band. Children from Holy Family Home in Zabbar and elderly people from St. Paulís Home in Hamrun were invited to this event which aimed at marking the importance of both the beginning and the end of life. University students organised some crafts and games for the children. Ms. Sonia Camilleri, Commissioner for Children; Professor Roger Ellul-Micallef, University Rector and Professor John Rizzo Naudi, Chancellor of University were invited as special guests for the event. Following an opening address by the president of MKSU, Rene A. Cilia, the guests also addressed the large crowd of  University students who were present. After their speeches, the guests together with representatives of studentsí organisations wrote their messages about life on the ëgraffiti wallsí. A special moment of the activity was when the children gave their crafts to the guests and the elderly people. At the end everyone was invited to sing the ëOur Fatherí.

In his speech the MKSU President, Rene A. Cilia said that the main message of the activity was that the appreciation of life leads us to labour for peace. He said that on the one hand we need to respect the opinion of science but, on the other, every stage of life from conception to death should be equally safeguarded.

Sonia Camilleri, the Commissioner for children said that everyone can speak of their memories of childhood and everyone agrees that  childhood should be full of peace and love. Speaking of the Convention of Rights, she insisted that children should always be treated with love even if they lost their parents. Children should be protected from physical, emotional and sexual abuses.  ëParents and guardians should never do to children that which they would not have wanted to experience in their own childhood.í

The Rector of University. Roger Ellul-Micallef said that it was an honour for him to have the opportunity to be with young people and that it helps him to appreciate the joy of life. He talked about his experience as a doctor and also about what it means to lose someone we know and love, following the death of his father. This experience left him feeling strongly against euthanasia.  Life is precious and short, he said, and one needs to find a balance between work and leisure. He encouraged the students to make the best of their lives.

The Chancellor of University, John Rizzo Naudi urged students to respect life. Studying is not enough, he said.  To be prepared for life also means helping in activities to help others.  He then spoke about the importance of elderly people and also spoke against euthanasia. He emphasised the importance of sacrifice in life and said that we should respect life, love it and live it.

MKSU is a Catholic Movement in University which aims to promote Christian Values by social commitment. It is a movement that gathers University students that are from Catholic Movements, so that all the different groups get together to create a just society.

Carl Farrugia
Public Relations Officer
Moviment Kattoliku Studenti Universitarji
Univeristy Students Catholic Movement
Studentís House, University of Malta, Msida MSD06 Malta
Mob:79052639 / 99804642