Let Me Learn Seminars in Khartoum, Sudan and at the University of Perugia, Italy Let Me Learn - Malta coordinator, Mr. Colin Calleja directed Let Me Learn (LML) seminars at Comboni College, Khartoum Sudan and at the University of Perugia, Italy.

Between Monday 6th and Saturday 11th June Mr. Calleja was in the Sudan were he presented the LML process to a group of 50 teachers working at Comboni College, Khartoum. Mr. Calleja was invited to run this seminar by the director of the college Fr. Paul Annis. After this seminar the school board of directors decided to invest in a group of 4 teachers and train them further in the process to introduce it in the college.  These four teachers will follow an accelerated certification course which will take place in Malta and at the centre for the advancement of learning at Rowan University, U.S.A. This will certify them as let me learn trainers.

On Monday 27th June Mr. Calleja headed to Perugia were he directed a three day seminar with a group of graduating doctoral students, researchers in the field of languages, linguistics and communication studies and professionals of a non-profit association involved in communication and vocational training from Spoletto. Prof. Sergio Rufini, Director of the Linguistic centre (Centro Linguistico díAteneo) discussed with Mr. Calleja the possibility of introducing the process within the centre especially to the language lecturers. Prof. Gabriella Klein will be visiting Malta in the future to continue exploring this collaboration between the two institutions.