University congratulates Ph.D.s This week, the Rector of the University hosted a get-together for thirty two members of staff who have successfully completed their Doctoral studies within the last two years. The staff, nine of whom are females, hail from thirteen different faculties and institutes of the University. They were addressed by the Rector, Prof. Roger Ellul-Micallef, the Pro Rector, Prof. Charles J.Farrugia, Chairman of the Staff Scholarship & Development Committee and by the Chancellor, Prof. John Rizzo Naudi.

Prof. Roger Ellul-Micallef, mentioned that some Lm140,000 per annum is spent on staff development every year. He dwelt on the importance that the University gives to keeping abreast of the latest developments in every field of study and complimented the academics on having overcome the many difficulties involved in this kind of research. The Pro Rector commented that this kind of research is essential for a dynamic university environment and helps to develop the networking system that enriches the experience of all academics.

During the get-together the Chancellor presented certificates to the recipients of the Chancellor's Award.  This award is given on an annual basis to one academic to help finance further studies.

(from left) Prof. Charles J.Farrugia, Prof. Roger Ellul-Micallef, Prof. John Rizzo Naudi
and Dr Adrian Grima (one of the memebrs of staff who complete Doctoral studies)

(from left) Prof. Charles J.Farrugia, Prof. Roger Ellul-Micallef, Prof. John Rizzo Naudi
and Ms Martes Paris (receiving the Chancellor's Award)

Communications Office
01 June 2005