Science through Theatre Second year B.Ed students were treated to a two hour entertaining session about scienctific concepts by Brad Gross at the University of Malta. Brad is one of the three actors that make up Punk Science, the resident troupe of stand-up comedians at the Science Museum's Dana Centre. Brad, a drummer and educator by profession, ingeniously used music and some exciting experimentation to explain scientific concepts in a way all could understand and enjoy. The students were introduced to Sir Isaac Newton’s three laws of motion: action reaction, forces acting equally, and an object will not move unless a force moves it. Indirectly he also modelled how to demonstrate the visual aspects of learning, and audience participation as he involved them in "acting" games and some interactive teaching sequences. He also showed students how to combine acting, teaching, and improvisation to create a dynamic learning environment while emphasising the importance of organization, planning ahead and timing.

This session formed part of students’ teacher training credit in Drama and Art Primary Education co-ordinated by Isabelle Gatt within the Faculty of Education. The session was one of a series of collaboration ventures between the Faculty of Education, the British Council and St. James Cavalier. Following this event all University students were invited to a Punk Science theatre production entitled Aliens. KSU co-ordinated the latter event.

Brad Gross demonstrating Newton’s Laws of Motion in concrete terms