Visit of His Grace, Mgr. Paul Cremona, O.P. to the University of Malta - 21 st February 2007 Today, Wednesday the 21 st of February 2007, His Grace, Mgr. Paul Cremona, O.P. made an official visit to the University of Malta, at the invitation of the University Chaplaincy. On his arrival at the St. Thomas More, University Chapel, he was welcomed by the Rector, Prof. Juanito Camilleri, the University Chaplain Fr. Jimmy Bartolo, SJ, the Jesuit Provincial, Fr. Paul Chetcuti, SJ and members of the Chaplaincy Council and teams.

After a brief moment of prayer in the University Chapel, the Archbishop proceeded to a short meeting with the Rector and Senior Officials of the University, who gave him a silver medallion with the University emblem as a token of his visit here. He then greeted the staff of the administration building, followed by an informal meeting with the Technical Staff. The latter offered him gifts of a wooden lectern and two candlesticks made by the staff themselves. His Grace then met the members of the Faculty of Theology. Members of the Kunsill Studenti Universitarji (KSU) and representatives of Student Organisations were met by the Archbishop for a coffee break in the Students’ Common Room.

The highlight of the visit was the meeting he had with students and staff in Temi Zammit Hall. The Christian Band SALT prepared the students and staff for the arrival of the Archbishop with some of their original theme songs. The Archbishop then arrived and sat on stage amidst many students. He was first addressed by the Chancellor, Prof. Rizzo Naudi and the President of KSU, David Herrera. Then the Archbishop followed with a short address himself. A few questions from the students and staff followed. The meeting ended with a short speech of thanks by Fr. Jimmy Bartolo SJ, the University Chaplain, and a presentation of a sum of money given by the Student Organisations to the Archbishop for Him to donate to the neediest causes of the Church.

The last event of the visit was the Ash Wednesday Mass starting the Lenten season, celebrated at the University Chapel. Many of the priests lecturing at University concelebrated in the function. The function was a simple but profound one, well animated by students active in the Chaplaincy. The congregation also made a collection which they donated to the Archbishop for him to use for causes he deems most needy of help. After Mass, the Archbishop planted an olive tree near the Chapel whilst a number of pigeons were released. This symbolised the peace and unity, which, it is hoped, has been planted in the University Community through his visit. The Archbishop ended his visit with a simple meal with the Jesuit community at Dar P. Manwel Magri sj.