Prof. Ing. Mario Farrugia

Prof. Ing. Mario Farrugia

Prof. Ing. Mario Farrugia


Associate Professor

Room 316
Engineering Building
University of Malta
  +356 2340 2359
Mario Farrugia graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Malta in 1992. He then worked with Enemalta mostly at Delimara Power Station till 2000. At Enemalta Ing. Farrugia worked as maintenance engineer and later as project engineer. His contribution at Enemalta include work on Phase 2A and Phase 2B extension projects at Delimara.
During 1995/6, Ing. Farrugia followed a masters degree in Mechatronics at Hull University UK.
In 2000 Ing. Farrugia joined the University of Malta Mechanical Engineering Department. In the following year he took an assistanship at Oakland University and started reading for PhD. At Oakland University he worked both as teaching assistant and also research assistant. Research assistantship work was for contacts with FEV and the EPA. During his PhD studies at Oakland, Ing. Farrugia was mentored and supervised by Dr Brian Sangeorzan (Oakland University)and Dr Alex Alkidas (General Motors). The doctoral dissertation was “Transient Surface Heat Flux Measurements in a Straight Pipe Extension of the Exhaust Port of a Spark Ignition Engine”.
Ing. Farrugia has been active in Formula SAE since 2001 at Oakland University where he also mentored a number of students. Later, at the University of Malta he was academic adviser for FSAE team that designed and built the first University of Malta vehicle. This team successfully competed in the Formula ATA (FSAE Series) at the Ferrari Fiorano racetrack, Italy. In 2014 he was also mentor for the FSAE team that competed in Varano, Italy.
  • Internal combustion engines
  • heat transfer
  • mechatronics
  • electronic engine controls
  • power generation
  • thermofluids

CARUANA, C., AZZOPARDI, J., FARRUGIA, M. and FARRUGIA, M., 2017. Common Rail Diesel Engine, Fuel Pressure Control Scheme and Use of Speed-Density Control, Proceedings of the 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2017, July 3-6, 2017 2017, IEEE.

FARRUGIA, M., SEYCHELL, C., CAMILLERI, S., FARRUGIA, G., CARUANA, C. and FARRUGIA, M., 2016. Diesel Engine Control Strategy for a Programmable Engine Control Unit. International Journal of Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control & computer engineering IJ-STA., Vol 10, No1, April 2016(Special Issue), pp. 2062--2071.

XUEREB, E. and FARRUGIA, M., 2016. Review and Validation of Models of Pressure Drop Across Diesel Particulate Filter and Particulate Loading Quantity, SAE International Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Conference, October 24-26, 2016 2016, Society of Automotive Engineers.

BUSUTTIL, D. and FARRUGIA, M., 2015. Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Injecting Water to the Air to Fuel Mixture in a Spark Ignition Engine. Modern Machinery (MM) Science Journal, March 2015, pp. 585--590.

FARRUGIA, M., BRIFFA, A. and FARRUGIA, M., 2014. Liquid State LPG Conversion of an Older Vehicle, SAE International Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Conference, October 20-23, 2014 2014, Society of Automotive Engineers.

CAMILLERI, W. and FARRUGIA, M., 2009. HCCI simulation of a Non Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine, Conference Proceedings Internal Combustion Engines Performance, Fuel Economy and Emissions - C684, December 8-9, 2009 2009, IMechE, pp. 205--214.

GRECH, A., SANT, T. and FARRUGIA, M., 2008. The Effects of Thermocouple Materials and Insulating Mica in an Erodable Surface Thermocouple, Paper number HT2008-56090, Proceedings of 2008 ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Jocksonville, Florida, USA, HT2008, 10-14 August, 2008 2008, ASME.

FARRUGIA, M., ALKIDAS, A.C. and SANGEORZAN, B., 2007. Transient Surface Heat-Flux Measurements in the Exhaust of a SI Engine. Internal Journal of Vehicle Design 2007, 45(Nos. 1/2), pp. 1--11.

FARRUGIA, M., ALKIDAS, A.C. and SANGEORZAN, B., 2006. Cycle-Averaged Heat Flux Measurements in a Straight-Pipe Extension of the Exhaust Port of an SI Engine SAE Paper No. 2006-01-1033. SAE 2006 Transactions - J. Engines, V115-3, pp. 565-575, 2006, V115-3(3), pp. 565--575.

FARRUGIA, M., FARRUGIA, M. and SANGEORZAN, B., 2005. ECU Development for a Formula SAE Engine, SAE Paper 2005-01-0027, SAE World Congress, April 11-14, 2005 2005, Society of Automotive Engineers.

FARRUGIA, M., ROSSEY, M. and SANGEORZAN, B., 2005. On the use of a Honda 600cc 4-Cylinder Engine for Formula SAE Competition, SAE Paper 2005-01-0025, SAE World Congress, April 11-14, 2005 2005, Society of Automotive Engineers.

Warranted Engineer in Malta, Inginier
Member Institution of Mechanical Engineers UK, IMechE
Member Institution of Engineering and Technology UK, IET
Chartered Engineer in the UK
Member Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE