Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Case Study Analysis and Techniques for Effective Counselling

UM LEVEL 05 - Postgraduate Modular Diploma or Degree Course



DEPARTMENT Counselling

DESCRIPTION This study-unit will provide an introduction to the following:

- Philosophical positions underlying different qualitative approaches;
- Skills and attitudes required to conduct case-study research, including practical/logistical issues and a critical attitude to the evaluation of such qualitative research;
- Criteria for quality case-study research;
- Case study methods in professional practice, and the generation of practice based evidence. Philosophical, methodological, ethical and professional issues involved in writing case-study;
- Continuation of the practicum (150 of 600 hours).

This study-unit consists of two parts:

Part 1

Techniques are specific procedures, skills and exercises employed by counsellors in aiding the client research counselling goals or objectives. The aim of this study-unit is to enable trainee counsellors to gain a thorough understanding of the basic techniques of some of the most influential approaches used to inform counselling practice and to be able to apply them successfully. It will be made up of five parts each party covering a major approach namely Psychodynamic, Adlerian, Gestalt, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Systemic Family Therapy.

Study-Unit Outline:

1. Psychodynamic approach
- Analytic framework
- Free associations
- Interpretation
- Dream Analysis
- Resistance
- Transference

2. Adlerian Approach
- Subjective and Objective Interview
- Family Constellation
- Early Recollections
- Lifestyle Assessment

3. Gestalt techniques
- Internal dialogue
- Reversal
- Rehearsal
- Exaggeration
- Staying and Feeling
- The experiment
- Confrontation

4. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
- Disputing Irrational Beliefs
- Challenging Cognitive Distortions
- Socratic Questioning
- Doing Cognitive Homework
- Rational Emotive Imagery
- Role Playing
- Relocation Techniques
- Systematic Desensitization

5. Systemic Approaches
- Genograms
- Reframing
- Tracking embedded sequences
- Identifying sub-systems
- Mapping the family life-cycle
- Circular Questioning
- Family Sculptures
- Using reflecting teams

Active participation in discussion and skills practice will be expected of all trainees in this class. Trainees will be encouraged to become aware of and reflect upon their own strengths and growing edges in terms of their motivation and ability to apply these techniques to the therapeutic relationship.

Acquiring skills is an integral component of this unit, within the role-plays and practice components, there is a possibility that a trainee will gain knowledge of confidential information, such as information of another trainee's personal life. It is essential and the responsibility of each trainee in the course to respect and maintain every other trainee's right to confidentiality. Moreover, as potential member of the counselling profession, it is impossible to keep in mind that this experience is one point along the journey of ethical action and practice.

Information Transfer Method:
This part of the study-unit will be taught in a workshop fashion, whereby classes will include a) a role-playing and practice; b) minimal lecture and more discussion of the reading for that class; c) small group discussions and experiential exercises; d) video demonstrations of skills; and e) homework in the form of reflections on readings and class exercises and cognitive behavioural exercises to be completed after the class.

Part 2: Case-study

This part of the study-unit aims at familiarizing trainees with the case study approach to qualitative research. Particular emphasis will be made on equipping trainees with the knowledge and skills to carry out a case study within their own professional practice and setting. Trainees will be encouraged to explore skills and techniques in addressing the issues brought up within the case study.

Study-Unit Aims:

Part 1 aims to equip the trainees with the ability to use a variety of techniques for effective counselling practice.

Part 2 seeks to equip the trainees with the knowledge and skills to carry out a case study within their professional practice.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge & Understanding:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

- Describe specific procedures, skills and exercises employed by counsellors in aiding the client reach counselling goals or objectives;
- Reflect and criticize own strengths and growing edges in relation to these techniques;
- Identify how and when to apply these techniques to the therapeutic relationship;
- Demonstrate an awareness of the strengths and limitations of each technique;
- Discuss the philosophical, methodological, ethical and professional issues involved in qualitative counselling research;
- Discuss the qualitative method and philosophical position underlying case studies;
- Indicate the skills and attitudes required to conduct research in the field;
- Discuss the role of case study methods in professional practice;
- Discuss and argue the importance of practice-based evidence.

2. Skills:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

- Successfully apply specific procedures, skills and exercises outlined above in counselling situations;
- Appropriately use each technique in helping the client move towards awareness and insight or set goals as applicable to the client's individual personality, aptitude, motivation and situation;
- Carry out a case study within their own professional practice and setting;
- Demonstrate a critical attitude to the evaluation of qualitative research;
- Negotiate the practical and logistical issues involved in conducting a case study;
- Critically analyse case study research.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings:

Main Texts - Part 1:

- Corey, G. (2008) Theory and practice of counselling and psychotherapy (8th ed.). UK: Brooks/Cole.

Supplementary Readings - Part 1:

- Joyce, P. & Sills, C. (2001). Skills in Gestalt counselling & psychotherapy. London: Sage Publications.
- Jacobs, M. (2010) Psychodynamic counselling in action (4th ed.). London: SAGE Publications.
- Singer, J. (1994). Boundaries of the soul. USA: Rev Up Su edition.

Main Texts - Part 2:

- McLeod, J. (1994). Doing counselling research (2nd ed.). London: Sage.

Supplementary Readings - Part 2:

- Dallos, R. & Vetere, A. (2005). Researching psychotherapy and counselling. Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press.
- Denzel, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (2005). The SAGE handbook of qualitative research. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage - Publications Inc.
- Willig, C. (2001) Introducing research in psychology: Adventures in theory and method. Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press.
- Creswell, J.W. (1998). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five traditions. London: Sage.
- Flick, U. (2002). An introduction to qualitative research. London: Sage.
- McLeod, (1999). Practitioner research in counselling. London: Sage.
- McLeod, J. (2001). Qualitative research in counselling and psychotherapy. London: Sage.
- Smith, J. (2003). (Ed.) Qualitative psychology: A practical guide to research methods. London: Sage.

Additional readings will be given throughout the study-unit.

ADDITIONAL NOTES Due to the nature of this study-unit and the profile of a counsellor, students must obtain a pass in each assessment component for an overall pass mark to be awarded.

STUDY-UNIT TYPE Lecture and Practicum

Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Logbook [See Add. Notes] SEM2 No 30%
Practical [See Add. Notes] SEM2 No 70%

LECTURER/S Melanie Demarco (Co-ord.)


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The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints.
Units not attracting a sufficient number of registrations may be withdrawn without notice.
It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2023/4. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.