Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE De la linguistique appliquée à la didactique du français langue étrangère

UM LEVEL 03 - Years 2, 3, 4 in Modular Undergraduate Course

MQF LEVEL Not Applicable



DESCRIPTION Puisque l’apprenant est au centre des “méthodes” des années 80, il s’avère très logique de consacrer un programme d’études à son produit oral et écrit. Le travail consiste ici à repérer, classer et interpréter les erreurs de français commises par nos élèves maltais apprenant le français dans le second degré. On propose aussi à ceux qui souhaitent devenir professeurs de français des outils didactiques qui leur permettent de remédier à ces erreurs, en l’occurrence la capacité de créer des grammaires transitoires en fonction des erreurs commises. Ce travail hors cycle, s’inscrivant dans le cadre de la méthodologie du F.L.E., est le seul d’ailleurs dans son genre qui sensibilise les étudiants du Cursus Lettres (Spécialisation) aux problèmes de la didactique du F.L.E. à Malte.

Le cours relatif à la conception des méthodes F.O.S. est censé amener l’étudiant non seulement à utiliser correctement une « méthode » F.O.S. mais à participer à sa création, que ce soit sur une base synergique ou sur une base individuelle. On lui apprend à bien définir les objectifs et les moyens didactiques pour y parvenir. Pour ce faire, il lui faut réunir ensemble ses acquis scientifiques du langage, ses connaissances en sciences de l’éducation et ses expériences des classes. Connaître le niveau de connaissance du français du public apprenant, bien définir ses besoins langagiers, viser son autonomie (en totalité ou en partie), nourrir sa motivation tout au long de sa formation, l’amener à reconnaître des opérations mentales lors de l’exécution des exercices variés …, autant de savoir et de savoir-faire centrés sur lui, constitueront une approche solide et fonctionnelle lors de la création d’une « méthode » F.O.S.

Given the fact that the pupil is at the hub of the teaching methods of the eighties, it is very logical to dedicate a programme of studies to his oral and written work. In this work one proceeds to pinpoint, clarify and interpret the French errors committed by our Maltese pupils learning French in a secondary school. The lecturer concerned will also equip those students who wish to become teachers of French with pedagogical tools, allowing them to find remedies for these errors; that is to say they will learn how to acquire the skills to create transitory grammars according to the errors made. These units which are particular to the French Department and which are dispensed in the framework of the teaching of French as a foreign language are, by the way, the only study-units of their kind which make BA (Hons) students aware of the problems in the teaching of French as a foreign language in Malta.

This course which leads students to create methods for the teaching of French for specific purposes is intended to lead students not only how to use correctly a given method in this specialised field, but to participate in the creation of one of them, either in forming part of a team or individual basis. The lecturer will teach the students how to define the didactics objectives and means to go about in creating a method. To do so, the students must put together their scientific knowledge of the language, their knowledge in Education Sciences together with the classroom experience. When the student-teachers get to know the level of French of their pupils, when they define the language needs of their pupils , when they aim to free their pupils in the learning of a language totally or partially, when they feed the pupils’ motivation while teaching, when they bring them to get to know their mental operations while working various exercises…., which contribute to as much as savoir and savoir-faire on the pupils, then these features, put together, will contribute to a solid and functional approach during the creation of methods for the teaching of French for specific purposes.

Learning Outcomes:

- The student will learn the theories pertaining to the teaching of French as a foreign language;

- The student will learn to differentiate between theories of linguistics and theories of D.F.L.E. (teaching French as a foreign language). This theoretical formation mingled with classroom techniques (acquired during the PGCE course) give him the skill of handling a class on his own;

- The student will be able to handle without any difficulty the method used in Maltese secondary schools to teach French to teenagers;

- The student will be able to differentiate between the teaching of French or Italian as a foreign language, teaching of Maltese as a mother tongue and English as a second or foreign language.


Besse, H. (1985) Méthodes et pratiques des manuels de langue. CREDIF, 1985.

Boyer, H., Michele, B., Michele, P., Nouvelle introduction à la didactique du français langue étrangère. CLE International, 1990.

Seychell, L. Analyse systématique des erreurs: problèmes et perspectives. Malte, Mireva, 110 pages, 1996.

Didactique des langues et interculturalité, l’erreur dans l’interculturalité (avec exercices d’application). Malte : Gutenberg, 305 pages, 2007.

Français des compagnies aériennes (livre de l’élève (256 pages), livre du professeur (213 pages), plus un CD). Malte, Interprint, 2004.

Le Français dans le Monde, numéro spécial, février-mars, (Témoignages de quelques créateurs de méthodes), 1989.


ADDITIONAL NOTES Study-Unit Title in English: From Applied Linguistics to the Learning-teaching of French as a Foreign Language


Assessment Component/s Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Examination (2 Hours) Yes 100%

LECTURER/S Laurent Seychell


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It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2023/4. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.