Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Mechanical Engineering

Course Title

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Mechanical Engineering

MQF Level


Duration and Credits

Maximum of 8 Years

240 ECTS

Mode of Study

Part-time Day

Information for International applicants

Open to applicants considered as "Adult Learners" (mature applicants) in terms of paragraph (c) of regulation 6 of the Admissions Regulations. Such applicants must be in possession of those qualifications and/or experience that would satisfy the Faculty Admissions Committee that they have reached the academic standard required to follow the Course with profit. Applicants shall be required to submit with their application a letter written in English giving their motivation for applying for the Course together with a copy of their Curriculum Vitae (C.V.).

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This programme of study is also offered on a full-time basis. Please consult the Registrar's website for more information pertaining to courses offered by the University.

The course is structured to provide you with the knowledge, skills, experience and understanding of engineering science and mathematical theoretical background; engineering analysis methods and tools; design and development of engineering products, processes or systems; economic, social, legal and environmental constraints; and engineering practice. The overall aim is to provide you with: knowledge of systems and processes in the domain of mechanical engineering and its related subjects; being able to understand, model and predict the behaviour of engineering artefacts through the application of scientific and technological principles; engineering practice in creating new solutions and in using the acquired knowledge in, for example, applied mechanics, thermos-fluids, materials engineering and computer-aided engineering design techniques. You will also develop your intellectual capacity through lifelong learning by exercising personal responsibility of assigned projects and to grow to understand your place in society as an engineer in a complex and fascinating professional community.

Practically every physical artefact involves an element of mechanical engineering, be it a switch used to light your room to the complete aerodynamic, propulsion, and control system design of a space vehicle. The field of Mechanical Engineering (ME) can be traced back to ancient Greece and China, when early versions of devices in common use today, such as alarm clocks, water pumps, odometers, and printing presses were invented and built. The analytical aspect of ME was born following Newton's work and the invention of calculus. ME became recognized as a distinct field during the industrial revolution, and has continued to grow in importance ever since. Mechanical Engineers were primarily responsible for the development of the automobile, the aeroplane, agricultural mechanization, air conditioning and refrigeration, spacecraft, household appliances, nuclear technologies, and highperformance materials, all of which are considered to be among the greatest twenty engineering achievements of the twentieth century, and also contributed greatly to the advent of electrification, water supply and distribution, highways, imaging, health technologies, and petroleum and petrochemical technologies, also all included among this list of achievements. In the present century, ME continues to grow in exciting and rapidly developing areas such as bioengineering, robotics, the production of clean energy, access to clean water, spacecraft, nano-manufacturing and nanomaterials among many others.

The course is structured to provide you with various elements of knowledge, skills, experience, intellectual abilities, and understanding of engineering science and mathematical theoretical background; engineering analysis methods and tools; design and development of engineering products, components, processes or systems; economic, social, legal and environmental constraints; and engineering practice.

The integration and combination of the different study-units offered within this course program leads to the development of a comprehensive and competent mechanical engineer who is capable of applying multidisciplinary mechanical engineering knowledge in a vast range of organizational and industrial applications. The programme provides further in-depth knowledge and understanding in Applied Mechanics and Thermo-fluids Engineering, or Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, or Applied Materials in Engineering, from which you will be able to choose from. The overall aim is to provide you with: a good working knowledge of the fundamentals of systems and processes which are generally recognized to be in the domain of mechanical engineering and its related subjects; being able to understand, model and predict the behaviour of engineering artefacts through the application of scientific and technological principles; a great deal of engineering practice in creating new solutions, adapting old ones, and in using the acquired knowledge in applied mechanics, thermos-fluids, materials engineering, maritime engineering, energy systems, manufacturing and computer-aided engineering design techniques.

The programme also aims to develop additional transferable skills for graduates to continue develop their capacity through lifelong learning; to exercise personal responsibility by taking ownership of assigned projects; to increase their skills in communicating and working effectively with others through grouped and individual projects; and to grow to understand their place in society as an engineer in a complex and fascinating professional community.

Communication and Academic Skills Programme

The communication and academic skills programme complements students’ main course of study. It introduces them to writing and presenting as situated within academic contexts sensitive to specific disciplines and develops their competences for future careers.

Students are required to register for not less than 30 ECTS credits in any academic year, selected from the unit already offered in the full-time programme here. The programme may therefore be completed in a maximum of 8 years of study. In any academic year, students may choose study-units from within the same course year only, and follow these during the semester in which they will be offered. In collaboration with the Board of the Faculty, the spread of study-units across each academic year may therefore be customised in accordance with each student's exigencies.

Requirement for award of B. Eng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering: 240 ECTS credits

This programme of study is governed by The General Regulations for University Undergraduate Awards, 2019 and by the Bye-Laws for the award of Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - B.Eng. (Hons) - under the auspices of the Faculty of Engineering.

These skills are particularly exemplified through a number of group and individual projects and assignments embedded within the different study-units and more specifically, through a grouped themed engineering design project and an individual final year project. you will:

  • Be knowledgeable and have an in depth understanding of the concepts, fundamental theories and scientific principles of ME.
  • Be able to understand higher-level concepts and applications in chosen elective areas (applied mechanics, thermo-fluids engineering, maritime engineering, industrial and manufacturing engineering, and/or materials engineering).
  • Have Intellectual abilities in using ME science, mathematics and computational methods to analyse engineering problems and in formulating design methodologies to produce engineering products, processes or solutions.
  • Exercise independent thought and judgement.
  • Possess practical skills in adopting a systematic approach towards experimental investigation and analysis of results.
  • Develop technical engineering drawings using hand or computer methods.

The B.Eng. (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering provides you with the necessary tools and interdisciplinary skills to professionally design, develop, analyse, model, manufacture and maintain mechanical engineering systems and components. The course provides fundamental skills, knowledge and understanding in applied mechanics, industrial manufacturing and materials engineering that are applicable to a wide range of industrial sectors, in particular aerospace, automotive, building services, maritime, and production engineering. Interdisciplinary skills are addressed through core compulsory study units providing the fundamental underlying principles and integration of mechanical engineering within the wider engineering context through attaining knowledge and understanding of electronics, electrical power, control, ICT, management, entrepreneurship, professional code of practice and sustainable environmental engineering.

The course is specifically structured to provide the necessary intellectual abilities and practical skills to apply appropriate engineering analysis tools using analytical, computational and design methods in the formulation of creative and innovative engineering solutions. You are exposed to a number of engineering design and analysis projects and assignments, laboratories and workshops and industrial visits. Many of our alumni have followed an internship scheme during the summer recess. A practical understanding and implementation of engineering concepts, theories and analytical solutions are applied through computational tools and software in the design, analysis and control of engineering systems and components. These skills are particularly exemplified through a number of group and individual projects and assignments embedded within the different study-units and more specifically, through a grouped themed engineering design project and an individual final year project.

The Faculty of Engineering ensures that the course content maintains relevance towards meeting classical and modern engineering requirements through an Industrial Advisory Board consisting of members representing the local Engineering Boards and International Institutions together with major national and international employers that give advice on current and future engineering demands and needs.

The course features a range of assessment methods, including written examinations; laboratory and design assignments; presentations and oral examinations; group and individual projects.

As a graduate, you will have acquired the following learning outcomes:

Knowledge and understanding of:

  • The concepts, fundamental theories and scientific principles of ME
  • Mathematical principles essential for supplementing problem solving in mechanical engineering
  • Higher level concepts and applications in chosen elective areas (applied mechanics, thermofluids engineering, maritime engineering, industrial and manufacturing engineering, and/or materials engineering)
  • Interdisciplinary engineering concepts and applications
  • The social, legal, economic and environmental context
  • The use of analytical, computational and design methods used in engineering
  • Management techniques necessary for the integration of professional engineering in society
  • The underlying principles of the use of information technology and literature

Intellectual abilities in:

  • Using ME science, mathematics and computational methods to analyse engineering problems
  • Using creativity and innovative solutions in problem solving and solution development
  • Formulating design methodologies to produce engineering products, processes or solutions
  • Exercising independent thought and judgement
  • Conducting a technical investigation through appropriate level of detail and interpretation

Practical skills in:

  • Adopting a systematic approach towards experimental investigation and analysis of results
  • Developing technical engineering drawings using hand or computer methods
  • Using computational tools to design, analyse, simulate, test and build engineering solutions
  • Engineering technical know-how of the use of equipment, processes and tools

General transferable skills in:

  • Communicating and working effectively within a team by taking various roles
  • Technical report writing and public speaking
  • Retrieval of information from literature and other resources
  • Self-development through continuous lifelong learning
  • Monitoring and adjustment a programme of work
  • Working with technical uncertainty
  • Exercise initiative and personal responsibility by taking ownership of tasks and projects
  • Adapting to current and future emerging technologies.

Non EU Applicants:

Annual Tuition Fees: Eur 5,400

You are viewing the fees for non EU nationals. Switch to EU nationals if you are a national of any country from within the EU/EEA.

As a mechanical engineer, you will find employment very quickly in various sectors, such as aerospace, automotive, construction, energy, manufacturing, maritime, medicine, or even sport. The course is designed to provide broad based fundamental knowledge to facilitate job mobility. If you have an entrepreneurial mind-set, the starting up of a technology-based company can be an attractive option.

Local sectors of employment include: building services, entrepreneurship, self-employment, consultancies, manufacturing industries, government agencies, pharmaceutical plants, hotels and hospitality, power generation and distribution, water and waste treatment, mobile and fixed telecommunication companies, hospitals, education and research institutions and many others.

This four-year degree typically leads to Master and Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Engineering in a variety of areas, ranging from Applied Mechanics & Biomechanics; Strength, Stability, and Integrity of the Structures; Applied Multi-physics Modelling; Composite Structures; Mechanics of Welding; Environmental Engineering; Offshore Renewable Energy; Solar Energy; Aerodynamics and Wind Energy; to Electron Beam Melting (EBM); Polymer Processing (injection moulding and thermoforming); Lean and Agile Manufacturing; Micro and Nano Manufacturing; Sustainable Manufacturing; and Industrial Automation, to name a few. Such study is usually conducted through research.

Many ME graduates further their studies either locally or in the world's top educational institutions overseas. The rate of acceptance by foreign universities is practically 100%.

Technology Stream


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