Online teaching forum

Online Teaching Forum

Trainer: Professor Gorg Mallia
Target Audience: Trainers delivering training with the Training & Development Programme.
Course duration: 1-2 hours  

Forum Overview

Given that all University of Malta lecturing and training now needs to be done online, because of restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and using apps such as Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, etc, what are the difficulties encountered and how can they be overcome? Looking at it from a pedagogical communications point of view, one should never try to simulate a face-to-face situation, but learning and/or training objectives can be reached using different routes.

Professor Gorg Mallia from the Department of Media and Communications introduces this very topical subject and leads a discussion among members of staff involved in lecturing and training. This forum is intended to share experiences, to try and solve difficulties, and to provide a base on which to build useful outcomes using online lecturing and training.

This Online Teaching Forum will last at least one hour, but will continue for as long as there are points to discuss.