International Institute for Baroque Studies

Our journal

Our journal

Editor: Prof. Frans Ciappara

Dr Paul Xuereb, Theatre Spaces in the Baroque Age
Cynthia de Giorgio, Discovering the original main altar in St John’s Conventual Church
Prof. Carmen Depasquale, La Figure du Chevalier de Malte dans Manin Lescaut, fiction ou realite?
Prof Francesco Frasca, Guerra, Economia, e Rivoluzione Militare
Dr Sarah Azzopardi-Ljubibratic, ‘Ebreo fatto Cristiano’: identitè religeuse des juifs convertis à Malte (XVI-XVIII sìecles)
Dr Federica Formiga, Breve notizia della tipografica professione nell’isola di Malta
Dr Giorgina Pavia, The Significance of the Via Crucis and its Artistic Development in Malta
Dr Gian Luca D’Errico, Cardinal Giovanni Battista de Luca and his Reflections on the Rights of Resistance to the Prince. An Unresolved Debate
Dr Charles Xuereb, Baroque Collective memory as a component of Maltese National Identity
Christian Mifsud, ‘Per servitio di questi populi…’The development of Valletta’s Market place: a study of the evolution of the socio-spatial dialectic between the XVIth and XIXth Centuries
Mevrick Spiteri and Daniel Borg, The Maltese perit in reconstructing the Early Modern Landscape
Mevrick Spiteri, Delle case, e Fondi: Grand Master Vilhena’s Code on Proprerty, Construction and the Officio delle Case in eighteenth-Century Malta

Prof. Denis De Lucca, Gender Issues in the Baroque World


Editor: Prof. Frans Ciappara

Prof. Francisco Gaudioso, Morte e pratiche testamentarie nel XVII secolo
Dr G. Krasskova, Eunuchs for the Sake of Heaven: Castrati and the Suffering Body of Christ
Dr Petra Caruana Dingli, The ‘Culture of Writing’ in Late Sixteenth-Century Malta: Oliviero and Caterina Vasco’s Charitable Deed
Dr Christine Muscat, The Magdalene Monastery, Valletta in the Age of the Counter-Reformation: Attitudes, Action and Negotiation
Prof. Vicki Ann Cremona, Finding the Vilhena Cabreo Designs Under the Manoel Floorboards
Dr Paolo Militello, New Cities’ in the Spanish Dominion Between the 16th and 17th Centuries: A Proposed Comparative-Historical Analysis
Dr Noel Buttigieg, The Inquisitor’s Palace Kitchen Complex: Manifestations of a Baroque Material Culture
Prof. Gennaro Cassiani, On a Mission for the Duke of Nevers: Ludovico Gonzaga’s Roman Agents and Henri IV’s Papal Absolution (1589–95)
Prof. Charles Savona-Ventura, Baroque Intellectual Developments on Members of a Chivalric Order in France
Dr Stephen C. Spiteri, Balì de Souza’s Establishment of a Fondazione for the Production and Supply of Bronze Cannon for the Order of St John, 1770. 

Editor: Prof. Frans Ciappara

Denis De Lucca, 'Mattia Preti - Architetto della Sacra Religione di Malta'
Marie Claire Finger, 'The Knight Artist Lucas Garnier and his Role in Mid-Seventeenth Century Painting in Malta'
Charles Savona Ventura, 'The Baroque influence on the uniforms used by the Chivlaric Orders as exemplified by the Order of Saint Lazarus in France'
Giuseppe Marcocci, 'Forgers and Martyrs: Conflicting Histories of the Portuguese Inquisition (1598 - 1647)'
A.D. Harvey, 'The Seated Female Nude: from Raphael to Ingres'
Regina Deckers, 'Frightening Fragments - The Representation of the Corpse in Baroque Sculpture'
Denis De Lucca, 'A Byzantine Relic in a Baroque Palace; the Church of Our Saviour in the Bonajuto Palace in Catania'
Danielle Mallia, 'The Magistral Possesso of Mdina through Favray's Lens'
Francesco Frasca, 'La guerra sul mare: mutazione, tecnologia, tattia e strategia (1550 - 1720)
Stephen C. Spiteri, 'Guarding Against Contagion: Vigilance and the Role of Fortifications in Malta during the Outbreak of the Plague in Messina in 1743'
Matthias Ebeyer, 'Sanctify yourselves and be holy', Hospitallers and their Counter-Reformation Saints.' 

Editor: Prof. Frans Ciappara

Lino Bianco, ‘In Defence of Baroque: The Wölfflin-Frankl-Giedion Tradition
Daniel Unger, ‘A Painter of Pain: Games of Wit and Ambiguities in Caravaggio’s Boy Bitten by a Lizard
Frederick Aquilina, ‘Music Performance Spaces in Maltese Churches during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, and their Relevance Today
Eleonora Rai, ‘Between Augustine and Pelagius: Leonard Lessius in the Leuven Controversies, from 1587 to the 20th century
Lucia Trigilia, ‘L’altare ‘macchina da festa’ nell’universo barocco: modelli romani in Sicilia e Malta
Francesco Frasca, ‘La geometria della guerra: evoluzioni tattiche marittime e terrestri nei secoli XVII-XVIII
Stephen C. Spiteri, ‘D’Aleccio’s Fortifications: Faithful Representations or Artistic Imagination?
Bernard Micallef, ‘Giovan Francesco Buonamico – A Flâneur in Baroque Style
Carmen Depasquale, ‘Anciens Usages des Maltais d’après un Guide Touristique de Malte du XVIIIe Siècle

Editor: Prof. Frans Ciappara

Petra Caruana Dingli - Memories in Verse: the Travels of Ludwig von Anhalt-Kothen (1579 - 1650)
Giuseppe Mrozek Eliszezynski - The Spy and the Viceroy: The Espia Mayor Andres de Velazquez and the trial against the Duke of Osuna.
Theresa Vella - The Gift of Wings: the Arrival of the St Michael Archangel Altarpiece in the Chapel of Provence
Cynthia De Giorgio - The Tapestries at St John's Conventual Church - Spirituality and Exuberance
Rebecca Hall - Elizabeth Claude Jacquet de la Guerre: 'The Marvel of our Century'. Celebrating Elizabeth Claude Jacques de la Guerre (ca. 1664/5 - 1729)
Francesco Frasca - Ideale Cavalleresco ed Etica Militare nella Sensibilita Barocca della Francia del 'Re Sole'
Angelo lo Conte - The Symbolism of blood in two masterpieces of the early Italian Baroque art
Mevrick Spiteri and Daniel Borg - The formation of the architect-engineer, perito and agrimensore, and their regulation by the Order of St John in eighteenth-century Malta

Editor: Prof. Frans Ciappara

Milena Sabato - Percorsi di storia della censura. Giulio Cesare Vanini e la Congregazione dell'Indice
Ulrich L. Lehner - Apocalypse 2014: Post-Tridentine Catholic Exegesis of Revelation. The Futurist Commentary of Alphonsus Frey (1762)
Gregory Woimbée - L'inquisiteur et la représentation du pouvoir
Denis De Lucca - Spettacoli Festivi e Manifestazioni Effimere nella Valletta Barocca, 1566 - 1798
Simona Gatto - Grandiose Feste nella citta di Messina tra il XVI e XVIII sec.
Carmel Cassar - Palazzo Adriano in Sicily and the Jesuit Mission of 1638
Francesco Frasca - L'estetica e la rappresentazione del potere: il 'Barocco trionfante' nella decorazione navale, emblema dell'autorita assolutista, esibizione delle armi e della gloria del Sovrano
William C. McDonald - 'Lift up your heart': The poem Sursum corda by Margaretha Susanne von Kuntsch - Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens (Lamentations 3:41)

Editor: Prof. Frans Ciappara


Elizabeth C. Tingle - Sainthood and Politics in the Baroque: The cult of St Vincent Ferrer in Brittany, France
Patrick Preston - Counter-Reformation and Baroque
Paola Vismara - Miracles et prodigies sacrés en pays de mission à l’époque moderne
Denis De Lucca - The dissemination of Jesuit military mathematics from the Collegio Romano to the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy, 1600 - 1750
Anne Jacobson Schutte - Virtual Voyages to Loreto: How to Visit the Holy House in Spirit (Seventeenth-Eighteenth Centuries)
Franco Bruni - Il Repertorio Musicale della Cattedrale di Mdina (Malta) nel XVII Secolo

Instruction to Contributors

The Journal of Baroque Studies is a peer-reviewed publication of the International Institute for Baroque Studies at the University of Malta. Articles dealing with the Baroque era in all its manifestations – religious, architectural, literary, musical, etc. Contributions, which can be in English, Italian or French, should be addressed to the Editor, Journal of Baroque Studies, International Institute for Baroque Studies, University of Malta; email Francis Ciappara. The Journal normally expects articles to be not longer than eight thousand words, inclusive of footnotes.

The editors prefer that manuscripts be submitted in electronic form as an email attachment sent to the Journal’s address together with a 150-word abstract. Manuscripts submitted in printed form should be accompanied by a compact disc. The entire text of all manuscripts, including footnotes and headings, must be prepared in double-spaced typescript with generous margins to allow for copy editing. Footnotes must be numbered consecutively at the end of each page.

General guidelines for the preparation of manuscripts for publication in the Journal of Baroque Studies.

  1. Spellings: English not US - ise, centre, honour.
  2. Quotations: single inverted commas in all instances.
  3. f. (folio), ff. (folios).
  4. Dates: 21 December 1612; 1660s; 1608-9; 1690-1702.
  5. Capitalisation kept to a minimum except in titles: Captain John, Bishop Pace.
  6. Books: Jeremy Black, European Warfare,1660-1815. (London: Routledge, 2003), 29.
  7. Articles: Clive Burgess, London Parishioners in Times of Change: St Andrew Hubbard, Eastcheap, c. 1450-1570. In ‘The Journal of Ecclesiastical History’ 53, no. 1 (2002), 38-63.
  8. Chapters in books: Frans Ciappara, The Maltese Catholic Enlightenment. In Ulrich L. Lehner and Michael Printy, eds., A Companion to The Catholic Enlightenment in Europe (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2010), 251-95.
  9. Subsequent citations in short-title form: Black, European Warfare, 76.


Prof. Frans Ciappara

Editorial Board

Prof. Denis De Lucca

Dr Stephen Spiteri

Perit Hermann Bonnici

Secretary to the Board

André P. DeBattista

Advisory Board

David V. Bagchi, University of Hull

Lino Bianco, University of Malta

Monica Borg, University of Birmingham

Anne Brogini, University of Nice

Emanuele Colombo, DePaul University

Fabrizio d’Avenia, University of Palermo

Andrea Del Col, University of Trieste

Marcello Fagiolo, University La Sapienza

Irene Fosi, University of Siena

Francesco Gaudioso, University of Salento

Maria Giuffre, University of Palermo

Pier Cesare Ioly Zorattini, University of Udine

Beat Kumin, University of Warwick

Ulricht Lehner, Marquette University

Oliver Logan, University of East Anglia

Salvador Ryan, St Patrick’s College, Maynooth

Lucia Trigilia, Centro Internazionale di Studi sul Barocco, Syracuse

Jonathan P. Wainwright, University of York

Editor: Prof. Frans Ciappara


Charmaine Falzon, ‘I resolved to profess myself a Catholic’: Boswell, Gibbon, Sterne and the
Dangerous Allurements of Roman Catholicsm.
Mario Spedicato, L’ostentazione innovatrice. L’architetto Giuseppe Zimbalo e I canoni del
Barocco salentino.
Davide Balestra, La ‘libraria’ seicentesca di palazzo Imeriali nel principato di Francavilla in
Terra d’Otranto.
Alfredo di Napoli, Europa in dialogo nel Seicento tra tolleranza e guerre di religione.
Thomas Freller, Angelicus Maria Müller and Melita Triumphans. An Austrian friar and
historian describes Malta.
Nemola Chiara Zecca, Comportamenti e pratiche di lettura al femminile in Italia e in Francia
nel XVII secolo.
Petra Caruana Dingli, Written fragments of a Dispute: Enclosing Monastic Spaces in Early
Modern Malta.
Mario Pace, Carlo Magri e il suo contributo al teatro Barocco maltese.
Francesco Frasca, Nuovi Imperi e Nuovi Mercati: Mercantilismo e Guerra nei Secoli XVI-XVII.
Gabriel Farrugia, Corsairs and their Madonnas – A Study in eighteenth-century maritime ex-
votos from the collection at the shrine of the Madonna tal-Herba in Birkirkara.
Claude Busuttil, L’influence française dans les années 1630 –L’Auberge de Provence de la

Editor: Prof. Frans Ciappara


Denis De Lucca, The Jesuit contribution to the compilation of the Escuela de Palas treatise on
Baroque-age fortifications
Christine Muscat, Women Entrepreneurs in Malta’s Porto Grande in the Baroque Age.
Charmaine Falzon, Late Baroque Sociability, the Culture of Sensibility and the Queen of the
Night’s Rage in Mozart’s The Magic Flute.
Mario Pace, Il linguaggio della comicità e dell’amore nelle commedie di tre drammaturghi
mediteranei del Seicento: Carl magri, Francesco Cavanna, Niccolò Amenta.

Carmen Depasquale, Les Lumières à travers la correspondance de trois chevaliers de malte.
Martin Micallef, A Seventeenth Century Artistic and Venerated Crucifix at the Capuchin Church
in Gozo.
Chiara Cecalupo, Le radici europee della collezione di Giovanni Francesco Abela.
Thomas Freller, Aspects of scientific exchange in the Age of the Baroque – Giovanni Francesco
Abela and the comunitas litteraria.
Hilary Spiteri, Filial Churches in Malta: A Historico-Artistic Outline.
Francesco Frasca, L’ascesa degli Imperi Iberici: Esplorazioni ed insediamenti coloniali nei
secoli XVII-XVIII.
Reno Saliba, The baroque, a sensual explosion, which touches the heart and lifts up the soul.
Denis De Lucca, ‘La Cappella Sistina di Sicilia’: The Baroque Church of the Benedictine
nunnery of S. Giovanni Evangelista in Piazza Armerina in Sicily.

Editor: Prof. Frans Ciappara


Axel Alt, La Fondazione dei Carmelitani Scalzi a Malta: Un Primo Approfondimento alla Luce
di Alcuni Documenti Archivistici.
Francesco di Nicolo, Riconsiderando Medoro Angelino (Roma, 1560 ca. –Siviglia, 1663); Tre
opere di Santiago del Cile.
Amanda Dutton, Marks of Modernity: The Counter-Reformation as a Response to the Emerging
Modern Age.
Thomas Freller, ‘Count Georg Albrecht I of Erbach and Malta in 1617 – a story of facts, half-
truths and missing information’.
Christian Attard, Realism and Empathy: Ta’ Giezu Crucifix as a Visual Manifestation of Post-
Tridentine Culture.
Abraham D’Amato, Baroque Music in Catholic Churches.
Denis De Lucca, The unique late Baroque Church of Santa Maria dell’Itria in Siracusa, Sicily.
Joseph F. Grima, The Development of the Icongraphy of the Holy Week Procession in malta and
Nicola Montesano, Brevi Note Storiche su Innocenzo XII.

Esthy Kravitz-Lurie, Revaluating Cupid and pan : The Story of Eros and the Satyr in the
Farnese gallery,
Charmaine Falzon, ‘[T]he Thing of the World I Love Most’. Samuel Pepys, the Diary and
Domestic Music-Making in Restoration England.
Borut Juvanec, The antithesis of Baroque – the vernacular architecture of the Mediterranean