Browsing by Author Scerri, Hector

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Showing results 1 to 187 of 187
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Adalbert Hamman (1910-2000). A part-time ecumenist?Scerri, Hector; Societas Oecumenica
1999-04Agħtina qalb ta' ragħajScerri, Hector
2006Alla l-QaddisScerri, Hector
2013The Apostolic Letter Porta Fidei : cross-sectional eological refections and pastoral implicationsScerri, Hector
2013The Apostolic Letter Porta Fidei: cross-sectional theological reflections and pastoral implicationsScerri, Hector
2003-01Appreciation : Fr John Frendo OPScerri, Hector
2023Aspects of the Lutheran-Roman Catholic dialogue on ministryScerri, Hector
2007-10Aspetti tat-teoloġija tas-saċerdozju : fl-ittri lis-saċerdoti tal-Papa Ġwanni Pawlu II nhar Ħamis ix-XirkaScerri, Hector
2012Aucun homme n'aura exerce sur moi l'influence de Henri de Lubac : (Adalbert Hamman) : Henri de Lubac et Adalbert HammanScerri, Hector
1990Augustine the Manichaean and the problem of evilScerri, Hector
2020Augustine's struggle with the problem of evil and his conversion to Neo-PlatonismScerri, Hector
2007-02Biż-żejt fil-lampa. Min jista' jirċievi s-Sagrament tal-Morda? X'effetti jhalli f'min jirċevih?Scerri, Hector
1997Book Review of Adalbert Hamman, "La vie est un long jour de fete. Memoires"Scerri, Hector
1997Book Review of Adalbert-G. Hamman, La vie est un long jour de fete. MemoiresScerri, Hector
2023[Book review] Bianco Lino, The ring metaphor and the spirit of Sofia and other essaysScerri, Hector
1996-05[Book review] Suor Amalia - Schuster: racconti come fiorettiScerri, Hector
2018Book reviews [Melita Theologica, 68(1)] : “Jien s’hawn nista’,” Martinu Luteru: Riforma jew riforma?Scerri, Hector
2012The Christian Agape meal : a manifestation of Koinonia and Diakonia : the contribution of Adalbert-Gautier HammanScerri, Hector
2012The Christian Agape Meal : A manifestation of Koinonia and Diakonia. The contribution of Adalbert-Gautier HammanScerri, Hector
2022-05Christian unity around mass graves in UkraineScerri, Hector
2021The Church and ecumenism in the thought of John Henry NewmanScerri, Hector
2004The Church and the fullness of the TruthScerri, Hector
2007Come sangue versato : l'essenza della martyria cristianaScerri, Hector
2018The concept of unity in the Anglican, Methodist, Lutheran, and reformed dialogues with the Roman Catholic ChurchScerri, Hector
2018Cor ad cor loquitur : qalb tkellem lill-qalbScerri, Hector
2019Cor ad cor loquitur. Vol. 2. Gabra ta' diskorsi dwar il-fidi u l-hajja nisranija fil-knisja u fis-socjeta` (1998-2019). It-tieni parti (2013-2019)Scerri, Hector
2019Cor ad cor loquitur. Vol. 2. Gabra ta' diskorsi dwar il-fidi u l-hajja nisranija fil-knisja u fis-socjeta` (1998-2019). L-ewwel parti (1998-2012)Scerri, Hector
2007The crucible of formation : the theological milieu wherein giants grewScerri, Hector
2002Dall'actuosa participatio ad un'ortoprassi eucaristica autenticaScerri, Hector
1998Deo Gratias!Scerri, Hector
2003-11Dun Gorg... QassisScerri, Hector
2007-03Dun Ġorġ - SaċerdotScerri, Hector
1994Dun Salv Grima (1909-1990) : the first Maltese priest at the Scots College [Rome]Scerri, Hector
2018The ecumenical attitudes of Pope FrancisScerri, Hector
2013The Ecumenical Commitment of Pope FrancisScerri, Hector
2020Editorial note : gratis et amorisDeBattista, André P.; Farrugia, Jonathan; Scerri, Hector
2020Editorial note : two magnetic personalities bridging the twentieth and the twenty‐first centuriesScerri, Hector
2013Ekumeniczne zaangazowanie papieza FranciszkaScerri, Hector
2001-04Emmaus!Scerri, Hector
2020-06Eschatological issuesScerri, Hector
1996The eternal freshness of Christ's messageScerri, Hector
2015The Eucharist and freedom in contemporary theologians and in the magisterium of Pope John Paul IIScerri, Hector; Agius, Emmanuel; Scerri, Hector
2012The Eucharist and Freedom Recalling the Impact of the Magisterium of Pope John Paul II at the International Eucharistic Congress at Wroclaw (1997)Scerri, Hector
2018The experience of fraternity in patristic and other early Christian textsScerri, Hector
2023The Fathers on the third temptation of Jesus in Matthew 4 : 8-11Scerri, Hector
2004'Fides quaerens intellectum practico-socialem' in the Writings of Adalbert-G. Hamman (1910-2000): Some Footnotes to the Pro-existential Attitude of the FathersScerri, Hector
2008Fil-Magisteru recenti - riflessjoni ta' Fr Hector ScerriScerri, Hector
1999-04Fil-vjaġġ ma' Gesu`Scerri, Hector
2007-01Film ta' ikla jew ikla ta' veru? Tista' tisma' l-quddiesa tal-Ħadd fuq it-TV?Scerri, Hector
2005-07The first hundred daysScerri, Hector
2005-07Flimkien aħna gebel ħaj fil-KnisjaScerri, Hector
2000The Fourth Eucharistic Prayer : a general analysis of its structure and content to appreciate its ecclesiological meaningScerri, Hector
1996-11Fuq l-Ghatba tal-1997. Hsibijiet fuq dak li qed jipproponi l-Papa fl-Ittra Appostolika "Tertio Millennio Adveniente"Scerri, Hector
2008-04Fuq min nitfgħu l-ewwel ġebla?Scerri, Hector
2018The gentle breeze from the peripheries. The evolving role of episcopal conferencesScerri, Hector
2021Gregory the Great warns against simony in his lettersScerri, Hector
2008-09Għaliex nemmenScerri, Hector
2001-03Għażiża Knisja...Scerri, Hector
2007-04Ġudizzju u purgatorjuScerri, Hector
2000H. Scerri, Koinonia, Diakonia and Martyria ; interrelated themes in patristic sacramental theology as expounded by Adalbert G. HammanScerri, Hector
1997Hamman, Adalbert G. : La vie est un long jour de fete : memoires [Book review]Scerri, Hector
2014The Holy Eucharist and the Hymn "T'Adoriam, Ostia Divina"Scerri, Hector; Zammit-Ciantar, Joe
2022Homosexuality as outlined in the document of the Pontifical Biblical Commission "What is man? A journey through Biblical anthropology" (paragraphs 185-195) in the context of ecumenical dialogues on the human personScerri, Hector
2007-10Id-dokument 'Summorum Pontificum'. Zvilupp fuq li kien hemmScerri, Hector
2010-10Id-dommi MarjaniScerri, Hector
1998-01Id-doni tal-Ispirtu s-Santu - 1 - L-GherfScerri, Hector
1998-03Id-doni tal-Ispirtu s-Santu - 2 - Id-DehenScerri, Hector
1998-05Id-doni tal-Ispirtu s-Santu - 3 - l-għaqalScerri, Hector
1998-07Id-doni tal-Ispirtu s-Santu - 4 - il-qawwaScerri, Hector
1998-09Id-doni tal-Ispirtu s-Santu - 5 - ix-xjenzaScerri, Hector
1998-11Id-doni tal-Ispirtu s-Santu - 6/7 - il-Pjeta` u l-Biza' t'AllaScerri, Hector
2019-09Id-dutturi tal-Knisja : mis-seklu IV sas-seklu VIIIScerri, Hector
2003-03Il-Katidral bhala s-sede tal-magisteru tal-IsqofScerri, Hector
2002-07Il-Knisja bhala komunita` rikonciljattivaScerri, Hector
1990-05Il-Knisja f'Malta fis-snin tmenin. Fatti u evalwazzjoniScerri, Hector
1999-11Il-Knisja li nħobbScerri, Hector
2000-04Il-Knisja ta' Vatikan II. Omm u għalliema, oht u dixxipluScerri, Hector
2020Il-Knisja u l-ekumenizmu fil-hsieb ta' NewmanScerri, Hector
2004-03Il-komunjoni u l-valuri tas-sinoduScerri, Hector
2001-10Il-Koncilju Vatikan II u l-ekumenizmuScerri, Hector
2022-12Il-Kristoloġija ta' Dietrich BonhoefferScerri, Hector
2021Il-Magisteru Pontificju dwar San Guzepp mill-1479 sal-1978 : 500 sena ta' dokumenti u dokumentazzjoniScerri, Hector
2001-04Il-Papa huwa Vigarju ta' Kristu?Scerri, Hector
1994-03Il-Presbiterju Parrokkjali I [On Parish Presbyteria]Scerri, Hector
1994-05Il-Presbiterju Parrokkjali II [On Parish Presbyteria]Scerri, Hector
2014Il-Ħajja Eterna fit-Tagħlim tal-Knisja KattolikaScerri, Hector
2007Imbierek minn ġej f'isem il-MulejScerri, Hector
2013Imsejhin ghall-qadi tal-komunita` Nisranija permezz tal-ministeru sacerdotaliScerri, Hector
2008-09In-Nisrani u l-kelma ta' AllaScerri, Hector
2018Introduzzjoni għall-Kristoloġija ta' missirijiet il-Knisja - il-Kristoloġija tal-ewwel żewg sekliScerri, Hector
2004Ir-raghaj fil-ParroccaScerri, Hector
2008-05Ir-rivista "Teresa" - għajnuna siewja biex tkompli tħaddan id-dixxipulat tal-MulejScerri, Hector
2003-09Ir-rwol ta' San Guzepp fil-Misteru tal-Fidwa u tal-KnisjaScerri, Hector
2022Is-Sinodalita`: riflessjonijiet teologiċiScerri, Hector
2006It-tagħlim tal-Knisja jinbidel?Scerri, Hector
2021It-teologija tas-sena liturgikaScerri, Hector
2007It-Teoloġija Dommatika u t-taqsimiet differenti tagħhaScerri, Hector
2008-03It-tgħanniqa u l-bewsa tal-missierScerri, Hector
2023-05Jesus Christ, a man for others and with othersScerri, Hector
2008-10Jiena nemmen f'Alla l-Missier li jista' kollox li ħalaq is-sema u l-artScerri, Hector
2008-11Jiena nemmen... f'Ġesu' Kristu, ibnu wieħed, sidnaScerri, Hector
2008-07Jisħet il-festi tagħna?Scerri, Hector
2023-09Karl Rahner SJ : kontribut enormi u kwalifikat lit-teoloġija tas-sekli 20 u 21Scerri, Hector
2023Kenosis and hiddenness. A paradox for the ChristianScerri, Hector
2004-04Knisja oħt u qaddejjaScerri, Hector
2006L-anġli jeżistu?Scerri, Hector
2016L-enċikliki ta' Papa Benedittu XVI : triloġija straordinarjaScerri, Hector
2005L-Ewkaristija fit-taghlim ta' missirijiet il-KnisjaScerri, Hector
2005L-Ewkaristija: skola ta' liberta`Scerri, Hector
2006L-ingassa taċ-chain emailsScerri, Hector
2003-03-22La formazione di generazioni di sacerdoti nello spirito dell'Apostolo delle GentiScerri, Hector
2003-03La formazione di generazioni di sacerdoti nello spirito dell'Apostolo delle GentiScerri, Hector
1995La relacion del sacramento de la Confirmacion con los demas Sacramentos de la iniciacionScerri, Hector
2003Launching out into the deepScerri, Hector
2009Lectures 13 : program 10 : Wistin tfajjelAugustinian Institute; Scerri, Hector
2013Lectures 20 : program 2 : maghqudin jew mifrudin? : il-missjoni ekumenika tal-knejjes insaraAugustinian Institute; Scerri, Hector
2013Life as a Journey in the Letters of Gregory the GreatScerri, Hector
1990-03Lis-Sacerdot mhux magħrufScerri, Hector
2001Litanija tal-umilta`Scerri, Hector
2006Liturgy and Catechesis at the Genesis of the Call to the PriesthoodScerri, Hector
2006Luteru kellu raġun?Scerri, Hector
2017Luteru r-riformatur fil-kuntest ta' riformi oħraScerri, Hector
1995A Maltese Monk in ScotlandScerri, Hector
1999-10A man consumedScerri, Hector
2003Marija, l-ewwel TabernakluScerri, Hector
2017May they all be one : the Church’s ecumenical vocation - our ecumenical vocationDiocesan Ecumenical Commission, Malta; Media Centre; Scerri, Hector
1998-07Meditazzjoni ewkaristika fuq il-lezzjoni qasira tal-kumpjeta tal-ġimgħaScerri, Hector
1989Melita Theologica : volume 40 : issue 1Abela, Anthony; Borg, Vincent; Eminyan, Maurice; Refalo, Gordon; Scerri, Hector
1989Melita Theologica : volume 40 : issue 2Abela, Anthony; Borg, Vincent; Eminyan, Maurice; Camilleri, Antoine; Scerri, Hector
1990Melita Theologica : volume 41 : issue 1Abela, Anthony; Borg, Vincent; Camilleri, Antoine; Eminyan, Maurice; Scerri, Hector
1990Melita Theologica : volume 41 : issue 2Abela, Anthony; Borg, Vincent; Eminyan, Maurice; Gatt, Raymond; Scerri, Hector; Sciberras, Etienne
1991Melita Theologica : volume 42 : issue 1Abela, Anthony; Borg, Vincent; Eminyan, Maurice; Gatt, Raymond; Scerri, Hector; Sciberras, Etienne
1991Melita Theologica : volume 42 : issue 2Abela, Anthony; Borg, Vincent; Eminyan, Maurice; Gatt, Raymond; Scerri, Hector; Sciberras, Etienne
2020Melita Theologica : volume 70 : issue 1Micallef, Martin; Scerri, Hector
1995-05Miet Andre' FrossardScerri, Hector
2018Mill-konflitt għall-komunjoni. Dokument ekumeniku Kattoliku-LuteranScerri, Hector
2000-12Mill-ħazna ta' Mons. Cassar [Reċensjoni]Scerri, Hector
2022The minister of the sacrament of confirmationScerri, Hector
1996A monk in MilanScerri, Hector
1999-09Mother, teacher, sister and discipleScerri, Hector
1998My homeland in the eyes of British visitorsScerri, Hector
1999-04Nemmen fil-qawmienScerri, Hector
2007Nies fuq pjaneti oħra?Scerri, Hector
1999-04Niftħu beraħ il-bibien ta' qalbna lil Ġesu`Scerri, Hector
2021Obituary : Mgr Prof. Vincent BorgScerri, Hector
2017On menstruation, marital intercourse and 'wet dreams' in a letter by Gregory the GreatScerri, Hector; Vinzent, Markus
2001-08One hundred days laterScerri, Hector
2005-04One Pope, one Church, one TruthScerri, Hector
2019-06The Pact of the Catacombs : an early harbinger of Pope Francis' vision of the ChurchScerri, Hector
2019Pavel Florenskij’s The Concept of the Church in Sacred Scripture : the reaction and response of a systematic theologianScerri, Hector
2000-06Pentecost anew!Scerri, Hector
2014Pilgrims and Wayfarers to, at and from Ecumenical Gatherings and EncountersScerri, Hector
2000Piste per una teologia del sacramento della penitenza in due preghiere penitenziali dell'Eucologio Patriarcale Costantinopolitano (secoli VIII, XI)Scerri, Hector
2006-09-24The Pope and Islam. Misunderstanding or offenceScerri, Hector; El Sadi, Muhammad
2000-07Pre-war Roman experiences of a young Maltese priest : Mgr Joseph Lupi's recollectionsScerri, Hector
2005Preżentazzjoni [Marija ta' Nazaret]Scerri, Hector
2003The problem of Evil and the unbaptised Augustine : his childhood and the Manichaean ConnectionScerri, Hector
2002The problem of god in the book of JobScerri, Hector
2000-03The quality of mercy is not strainedScerri, Hector
2006"Quotidiennete" in the writings of Adalbert-G. Hamman (1910-2000) : the existential concern of a twentieth-century patristic scholarScerri, Hector
1995Rapport entre le sacrement de la Confirmation et les autres sacraments d'initiationScerri, Hector
1995The relationship of the sacrament of confirmation to the other sacraments of initiationScerri, Hector
2020-05Remembering Wojtyla, the great communicatorScerri, Hector
2012The Revival of Scholastic Sacramental Theology after the Publication of Aeterni PatrisScerri, Hector
2007Se nerġgħu bil-Latin?Scerri, Hector
2008-08Se nibqgħu bl-indulġenzi?Scerri, Hector
2011Seeking Sanctity in our Contemporary WorldScerri, Hector
2006-12-17Seminary Library's 250-year historyScerri, Hector
2002-10Sinjal jiddi fuq l-għoljaScerri, Hector
2020-05Six stone water jarsScerri, Hector
2005The social morality of John Chrysostom : the contribution of Adalbert Hamman (1910-2000)Scerri, Hector
2019Some trajectories on the question of ordination in Ecclesial Communities of the Reformed TraditionScerri, Hector
2008-06Spiritual thoughts in programme of Carmelo Pace Music at Mdina Cathedral, 24 June 2008Scerri, Hector
2017The status of Episcopal Conferences and a re-discovered Ecclesial Orthopraxis - vibrant echoes of the local churches in the magisterium of Pope FrancisScerri, Hector
2000-10The Synod : a unique experience for the Church in MaltaScerri, Hector
2012Table fellowship : a religious experience? Some reflections on the Maltese contextScerri, Hector
2007-05Talb bl-amment jgħodd?Scerri, Hector
2014Teilhard de Chardin on Insects in "The Phenomenon of Man"Scerri, Hector
2014Teilhard de Chardin on insects in the phenomenon of ManScerri, Hector
2015Three beacons illuminating the fourth century ... and beyond!Scerri, Hector
2023-10Two Christological documents on their approaching 25th anniversary : 'Dominus Iesus' (2000) and chapter two of 'Novo Millennio Ineunte' (2001) - comparing and contrasting their tone and contentScerri, Hector
1991-11An unfathomable, irresistible callScerri, Hector
2006Veru li l-Limbu spiċċa?Scerri, Hector
2001-09Watchfully caring from on highScerri, Hector
2020Welcoming wayfarers, wanderers, waifs and strays (or waving them bye-bye). Some Biblical paradigmsScerri, Hector
2007-10X-ray pastorali tal-Papa Benedittu XVIScerri, Hector
2008-05Ħames mistoqsijietScerri, Hector