Browsing by Author Aquilina, Kevin

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Showing results 82 to 101 of 292 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006Health, bioethics and the lawCauchi, Maurice N.; Aquilina, Kevin; Ellul, Bridget
2005The historical evolution of the law of official secrecy in MaltaAquilina, Kevin
2008The human right principle of legality : nullum crimen/nulla poena sine lege certaAquilina, Kevin
2018Human rights law : selected writings of Kevin AquilinaAquilina, Kevin
2000Humpty dumpty & planning regulationsAquilina, Kevin
2013Il sistema ambiente, tra etica, diritto ed economiaAquilina, Kevin; Iaquinta, Pietro
1989Il-ligi Maltija u l-piena kapitaliAquilina, Kevin
2014In defence of the Constitution's supremacyAquilina, Kevin
2019The independence of the judiciary in Strasbourg judicial disciplinary case law : judges as applicants and national judicial councils as factotums of respondent statesAquilina, Kevin
2013The independence of the Maltese broadcasting regulatory authority : legend, wishful thinking or reality?Aquilina, Kevin
2017Inherent deficiencies in the constitutional reforms (justice sector) Act, 2016 : a case of no step forward, twenty steps backward?Aquilina, Kevin
2019Initial issue of the Mediterranean Human Rights Review [editorial]Aquilina, Kevin
2024The International Criminal Court and responsibility for mass atrocities : can JCE enhance capacity to hold masterminds accountable?Aquilina, Kevin; Mulaj, Klejda
2016An irreconcilabilityAquilina, Kevin
2019Is-Sette Giugno - Ä‹entinarju : l-ewwel pass lejn stat sovranMangion, Raymond; Farrugia, Aleks; Fenech, Dominic; Galea, Francis; Cassar, George; Pirotta, Godfrey; Aquilina, Kevin; Camilleri, Mark; Montebello, Mark; Friggieri, Oliver; Bartolo, Paul; Cassar Torreggiani, Peter; Mangion, Raymond; Borg, Tonio; Mifsud Bonnici, Ugo; Coleiro, Charles
2013Judge for security serviceAquilina, Kevin
2023Judge Silvio Meli's 'Legal issues, speeches and identity' [Book review]Aquilina, Kevin
2010Judicial appointment in Malta : A historico-legal perspectiveAquilina, Kevin
2007Judicial appointments : a comparative approachAquilina, Kevin
2020-02Judicial violation of freedom of expressionAquilina, Kevin