Browsing by Author Aquilina, Kevin

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Showing results 103 to 122 of 292 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012-10-24Kelmtejn dwar it-twaqqif tal-Kunsill Nazzjonali taż-ŻgħażagħAquilina, Kevin
2023Kelmtejn mill-Professor Kevin Aquilina moqrija waqt it-tnedija tal-ktieb miktub mill-Professor Tonio Borg intitolat The Arturo Mercieca Court (1924-1940) : a legal analysisAquilina, Kevin
2008Kodiċi ta’ etika għall-midja tal-Partit Laburista : workshops għal One Productions, Kulħadd u MaltastarAquilina, Kevin
1987-05Laws regarding the seaAquilina, Kevin
2017The legal fiction of a genuine link as a requirement for the grant of nationality to ships and humans - the triumph of formality over substance?Gauci, Gotthard Mark; Aquilina, Kevin
2009The legal framework of the Maltese media : a critical appraisalAquilina, Kevin
2017-03-13Legal research methodsCamilleri-Cassar, Frances; Aquilina, Kevin
2022Legalising abortion by stealthAquilina, Kevin
2015Legislation regulating assisted human procreation : a position paperAgius, Emmanuel; Aquilina, Kevin; Attard, Grace; Attard Montalto, Simon; Bonello, Giovanni; Buttigieg, George G.; Camilleri, Astrid; Camilleri, Joe; Delicata, Nadia; Grima, George; Galea, Raymond; Galea, Paul; Mamo, John; Pace, Paul; Peregin, Joseanne; Sammut Scerri, Clarissa; Scerri, Albert Paul; Savona-Ventura, Charles; Schembri Wismayer, Pierre; Vella, Sue; Vella, Anna; Zammit, Raymond
2009Legislation regulating organ donation and transplantation : the main issuesAquilina, Kevin
2009The legislative development of human rights and fundamental freedoms in Malta : a chronological appraisalAquilina, Kevin
2018Legislative drafting and statutory interpretation : comparative perspectives from Malta, Canada and NigeriaAquilina, Kevin; Donaldson, Mike; Jaja, Tonye Clinton
2017Legislative drafting and statutory interpretation in the Maltese mixed legal systemAquilina, Kevin
2020Legislative recourse to public administration law offences : barking up the wrong tree?Aquilina, Kevin
2014The legitimacy of a government after an EP election defeatAquilina, Kevin
2023A Lilliputian criminal procedure reformAquilina, Kevin
2018Limitations in attributing state responsibility under the Genocide ConventionAquilina, Kevin; Mulaj, Klejda
1992A list of Maltese maritime legislation together with a subject indexAquilina, Kevin
2012Local government in MaltaAquilina, Kevin; Calleja, Isabelle
2023Magisterial inquiriesAquilina, Kevin