Browsing by Author Baldacchino, Peter J.

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Showing results 64 to 83 of 92 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005Jurors’ and self-perceptions of the statutory auditors in MaltaDesira, Jonathan; Baldacchino, Peter J.
2022-04The Maltese central co-operative fund and its financing of co-operatives : an analysisBaldacchino, Peter J.; Cini, Anna Marie; Tabone, Norbert; Grima, Simon
2024Maltese stakeholder perceptions of the elements and values in cooperative conceptBaldacchino, Peter J.; Apap, Melania; Tabone, Norbert; Ellul, Lauren; Grima, Simon
2016The Master in Accountancy at the University of Malta - educating tomorrow’s accountantBaldacchino, Peter J.
2017Materiality disclosures in statutory auditing : a Maltese perspectiveBaldacchino, Peter J.; Tabone, Norbert; Demanuele, Ryan
2024Multiple directorships in Maltese listed entities : implications, determinants, and governance strategiesBaldacchino, Peter J.; Camilleri, Joseph; Camilleri, Janice; Ellul, Lauren; Tabone, Norbert; Grima, Simon
2018The nomination committee in Maltese listed companiesBaldacchino, Peter J.; Gatt, Jessica; Tabone, Norbert; Bezzina, Frank
2013On bossing the bossBaldacchino, Peter J.
2016Organizational culture, personnel characteristics and dysfunctional audit behaviorBaldacchino, Peter J.; Tabone, Norbert; Agius, Justine; Bezzina, Frank
2012Overcoming barriers between the internal and external audit functions in MaltaZammit, Sharon; Baldacchino, Peter J.
2016The participation of the small shareholder in the annual general meeting : a reflection of good corporate governance?Baldacchino, Peter J.; Camilleri, Amy; Cutajar, Isabel; Grima, Simon; Bezzina, Frank
2016The participation of the small shareholder in the annual general meeting : a reflection of good corporate governance?Baldacchino, Peter J.; Camilleri, Amy; Cutajar, Isabel; Grima, Simon; Bezzina, Frank
2021Perceptions of unqualified statutory audit reports : the case in MaltaMuscat, Shannon; Farrugia, Konrad; Baldacchino, Peter J.; Tabone, Norbert; Grima, Simon
2020Performance evaluation of the board of directors in listed companies : a small state perspectiveBaldacchino, Peter J.; Camilleri, Amy; Schembri, Brandon; Grima, Simon; Thalassinos, Yannis E.
1992Problems of the accountancy profession in a microstate : a Maltese viewpointBaldacchino, Peter J.
2021-01Public private partnerships and their applicability in Malta : an analysisBaldacchino, Peter J.; Tabone, Norbert; Galea, Daniel; Grima, Simon
2005Qualified audit opinions in MaltaFarrugia, Konrad J.; Baldacchino, Peter J.
2006A rating agency in Maltese financial markets its introduction and implicationsBaldacchino, Peter J.; Borg, Jeanette
2016Recent annual report weaknesses by a supreme audit institution : an analysisBaldacchino, Peter J.; Pule, Daniel; Tabone, Norbert; Agius, Justine
2014Recent mergers and acquisitions in Malta : an analysisBaldacchino, Peter J.; Vella, Amy