Showing results 3 to 22 of 22
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2013 | Benefits obtained following a 12 week pulmonary rehabilitation programme | Sciriha, Anabel; Bilocca, David; Fsadni, Claudia; Fsadni, Peter; Gerada, Eleanor; Gouder, Caroline; Montefort, Stephen; Zammit, Christopher |
2014-04 | Benefits obtained following a 12 week pulmonary rehabilitation programme : one year follow-up | Sciriha, Anabel; Bilocca, David; Fsadni, Claudia; Fsadni, Peter; Gerada, Eleanor; Gouder, Caroline; Camilleri, Liberato; Montefort, Stephen; Lungaro-Mifsud, Stephen |
2015 | Chemical fingerprint of outdoor PM2.5 in Malta | Balzan, Martin V.; Cibella, Fabio; Zammit, Christopher; Bilocca, David; Perrino, Cinzia; Canepari, Silvia; Scaccianoce, Gianluca; Montefort, Stephen; Viegi, Giovanni |
2019 | Comparison of aeroallergen sensitisation patterns in the United States and Europe | Conti, Luca; Gatt, Kelly; Zammit, Christopher; Montefort, Stephen; Bilocca, David |
2021 | Correction : Zammit et al. Association between the concentration and the elemental composition of outdoor PM2. 5 and respiratory diseases in schoolchildren : a multicenter study in the Mediterranean Area. Atmosphere 2020, 11, 1290 | Zammit, Christopher; Bilocca, David; Ruggieri, Silvia; Drago, Gaspare; Perrino, Cinzia; Canepari, Silvia; Balzan, Martin; Montefort, Stephen; Viegi, Giovanni; Cibella, Fabio |
2015 | Current GOLD recommendations and its implementation within hospitalised COPD patients in Malta | Gauci, Jonathan; Yamagata, Kentaro; Bilocca, David; Mifsud, Maria; Montefort, Stephen |
2014 | A delayed diagnosis of Mounier-Kuhn syndrome | Gouder, Caroline; Bilocca, David; Fsadni, Peter; Montefort, Stephen |
2016 | A diagnostic dilemma in a case of pulmonary inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour | Asciak, Rachelle; Gouder, Caroline; Bilocca, David; Montefort, Stephen |
2016 | Endoscopic bronchial ultrasound in mediastinal staging of lung cancer | Bilocca, David; Vella, Claire; Montefort, Stephen |
2014 | Gender difference in skin prick sensitivity to allergens in 10-15 year cases with respiratory symptoms vs controls in Sicily and Malta | Balzan, Martin; Zammit, Christopher; Bilocca, David; Cibella, Fabio; Ruggieri, Silvia; Drago, Gaspare; Minardi, Remo; Montefort, Stephen; Viegi, Giovanni |
2013 | Indoor air quality : presence of students in a classroom changes levels of air-borne particulate matter | Balzan, Martin; Bilocca, David; Zammit, Christopher; Montefort, Stephen |
2014 | Indoor and outdoor concentration of PM2.5 vanadium, nickel, and sulphur in three Mediterranean areas | Cibella, Fabio; Perrino, Cinzia; Balzan, Martin; Ruggieri, Silvia; Bilocca, David; Drago, Gaspare; Zammit, Christopher; Minardi, Remo; Cuttitta, Giuseppina; Melis, Mario; Montefort, Stephen; Viegi, Giovanni |
2015 | Outdoor PM2.5 chemical composition in 3 areas with urban/rural difference in prevalence of respiratory diseases | Cibella, Fabio; Balzan, Martin V.; Perrino, Cinzia; Scaccianoce, Gianluca; Bilocca, David; Zammit, Christopher; Drago, Gaspare; Ruggieri, Silvia; Canepari, Silvia; Minardi, Remo; Montefort, Stephen; Viegi, Giovanni |
2015 | Predictors of headache in urban and rural setting from respiratory questionnaires in children aged 10-15 | Balzan, Martin; Cibella, Fabio; Zammit, Christopher; Ruggieri, Silvia; Bilocca, David; Minardi, Remo; Drago, Gaspare; Cuttita, Giuseppina; Montefort, Stephen; Viegi, Giovanni |
2014 | Prevalence of respiratory symptoms in 11-14 year old children with pets in Maltese homes | Zammit, Charles; Bilocca, David; Balzan, Michael; Borg, C.M.; Camilleri, Liberato; Taliana, Kelly; Formosa, Denise; Borg, Charles Joseph; Montefort, Stephen |
2015 | Pulmonary rehabilitation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease : outcomes in a 12 week programme | Sciriha, Anabel; Lungaro-Mifsud, Stephen; Scerri, Josianne; Bilocca, David; Fsadni, Claudia; Fsadni, Peter; Gerada, Eleanor; Gouder, Caroline; Camilleri, Liberato; Montefort, Stephen |
2018 | Relationship between domestic smoking and metals and rare earth elements concentration in indoor PM2.5 | Drago, Gaspare; Perrino, Cinzia; Canepari, Silvia; Ruggieri, Silvia; Abbate, Luca L’; Longo, Valeria; Colombo, Paolo; Frasca, Daniele; Balzan, Martin; Cuttitta, Giuseppina; Scaccianoce, Gianluca; Piva, Giuseppe; Bucchieri, Salvatore; Melis, Mario; Viegi, Giovanni; Cibella, Fabio; Bilocca, David; Borg, Charles; Montefort, Stephen; Zammit, Christopher; Ferrante, Giuliana; Abbate, Luca L'; Grutta, Stefania La; Melis, Mario R.; Minardi, Remo; Ristagno, Rosaria; Rizzo, Gianfranco; The Indoor; Respiratory Health in Malta; Sicily-RESPIRA Study Group |
2017 | Sensitization to dust mite defines different phenotypes of asthma : a multicenter study | Ruggieri, Silvia; Drago, Gaspare; Longo, Valeria; Colombo, Paolo; Balzan, Martin; Bilocca, David; Zammit, Christopher; Montefort, Stephen; Scaccianoce, Gianluca; Cuttitta, Giuseppina; Viegi, Giovanni; Cibella, Fabio; The RESPIRA Project Group |
2021-10 | Spontaneous pneumomediastinum in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis | Conti, Luca; Bilocca, David; Gouder, Caroline; Montefort, Stephen |
2014 | Total serum IgE and specific IgE levels in 10-15 year old children with respiratory symptoms and healthy controls in Sicily and Malta | Balzan, Martin; Bilocca, David; Zammit, Christopher; Cibella, Fabio; Colombo, Paolo; Longo, Valeria; Borg, Charles; Piva, Giuseppe; Montefort, Stephen; Viegi, Giovanni |