Browsing by Author Camilleri, Kenneth P.

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Showing results 90 to 109 of 159 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2004Knowledge intensive 'paper-based' form sketchingFarrugia, Philip; Borg, Jonathan C.; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Scicluna, Dawn; Yan, Xiu-Tian; Muscat, Joseph
2004Knowledge intensive design technology : IFIP TC5 / WG5.2 Fifth workshop on knowledge intensive CAD, July 23-25, 2002, St. Julians, MaltaBorg, Jonathan C.; Farrugia, Philip; Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2014A language for representing and extracting 3D geometry semantics from paper-based sketchesFarrugia, Philip; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Borg, Jonathan C.
2008Line tracking algorithm for scribbled drawingsBartolo, Alexandra; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Fabri, Simon G.; Borg, Jonathan C.
2016Model-based head pose-free gaze estimation for assistive communicationCristina, Stefania; Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2015Model-free head pose estimation based on shape factorisation and particle filteringCristina, Stefania; Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2016Model-free non-rigid head pose tracking by joint shape and pose estimationCristina, Stefania; Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2021Modelling of blink-related eyelid-induced shunting on the electrooculogramBarbara, Nathaniel; Camilleri, Tracey A.; Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2012-06Moving objects with your thoughtsCamilleri, Kenneth P.; Falzon, Owen; Camilleri, Tracey A.
2013Multi-colour stimuli to improve information transfer rates in SSVEP-based brain-computer interfacesFalzon, Owen; Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2020A multi-segment modelling approach for foot trajectory estimation using inertial sensorsOkkalidis, Nikiforos; Marinakis, George; Gatt, Alfred; Bugeja, Marvin K.; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Falzon, Owen
2011Multi-view 3D data acquisition using a single uncoded light patternCristina, Stefania; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Galea, Thomas
2015Multiple hypothesis tracking with sign language hand motion constraintsBorg, Mark; Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2022Musculoskeletal injuries in fixed-seat rowingGrima, Joseph N.; Agius, Tonio P.; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Bernardes, F.; Casha, Aaron R.; Xerri de Caro, John; Camilleri, Liberato
2006A new sketch based interface using the gray-level co-occurrence matrix for perceptual simplification of paper based scribblesBartolo, Alexandra; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Farrugia, Philip; Borg, Jonathan C.
2023Non-contact vital signs monitoring in paediatric anaesthesia – current challenges and future directionGrech, Nicole; Calleja-Agius, Jean; Sciberras, Stephen C.; Agius, Neil; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Falzon, Owen
2022The Non-Invasive Vital Signs Monitoring ProjectGrech, Nicole; Helwan, Abedelkader; Calleja-Agius, Jean; Falzon, Owen; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Sciberras, Stephen C.
2024Non–invasive vital signs monitoring in the adult population in clinical settings — current state of the art and beyondGrech, Nicole; Calleja-Agius, Jean; Sciberras, Stephen C.; Micallef, Neville; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Falzon, Owen
2007Offline handwritten signature verification using radial basis function neural networkAzzopardi, George; Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2015On-screen point-of-regard estimation under natural head movement for a computer with integrated webcamCristina, Stefania; Camilleri, Kenneth P.