Browsing by Author Camilleri, Kenneth P.

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Showing results 104 to 123 of 159 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006A new sketch based interface using the gray-level co-occurrence matrix for perceptual simplification of paper based scribblesBartolo, Alexandra; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Farrugia, Philip; Borg, Jonathan C.
2023Non-contact vital signs monitoring in paediatric anaesthesia – current challenges and future directionGrech, Nicole; Calleja-Agius, Jean; Sciberras, Stephen C.; Agius, Neil; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Falzon, Owen
2022The Non-Invasive Vital Signs Monitoring ProjectGrech, Nicole; Helwan, Abedelkader; Calleja-Agius, Jean; Falzon, Owen; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Sciberras, Stephen C.
2024Non–invasive vital signs monitoring in the adult population in clinical settings — current state of the art and beyondGrech, Nicole; Calleja-Agius, Jean; Sciberras, Stephen C.; Micallef, Neville; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Falzon, Owen
2007Offline handwritten signature verification using radial basis function neural networkAzzopardi, George; Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2015On-screen point-of-regard estimation under natural head movement for a computer with integrated webcamCristina, Stefania; Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2009Order estimation of computational models for dynamic systems with application to biomedical signalsCamilleri, Tracey A.; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Fabri, Simon G.
2010Order estimation of multivariate ARMA modelsCamilleri, Tracey A.; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Fabri, Simon G.
2002'Paper sketch' based 'design for Multi-X'Borg, Jonathan C.; Farrugia, Philip; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Scicluna, Dawn; Yan, X. T.
2008Paper-based scribble simplification : where do we stand?Bartolo, Alexandra; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Fabri, Simon G.; Borg, Jonathan C.
2008Parametric and nonparametric EEG analysis for the evaluation of EEG activity in young children with controlled epilepsySakkalis, Vangelis; Camilleri, Tracey A.; Zervakis, Michalis; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Fabri, Simon G.; Bigan, Cristin; Karakonstantaki, Eleni; Micheloyannis, Sifis
2011Parametric modelling of EEG data for the identification of mental tasksCamilleri, Kenneth P.; Camilleri, Tracey A.; Fabri, Simon G.
2012Performance improvement of segmentation-based depth representation in 3D imagery by region mergingDe Raffaele, Clifford; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Farrugia, Reuben A.; Debono, Carl James
2014Phase variants of the common spatial patterns methodCamilleri, Kenneth P.; Falzon, Owen; Camilleri, Tracey A.; Fabri, Simon G.
2017-07Phase-based SSVEPs for real-time control of a motorised bedGauci, Norbert; Falzon, Owen; Camilleri, Tracey A.; Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2021Pornographic content classification using deep-learningTabone, André; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Bonnici, Alexandra; Cristina, Stefania; Farrugia, Reuben A.; Borg, Mark
2018Principal component analysis of dynamic thermography data from pregnant and non-pregnant womenFalzon, Owen; Ciantar, Annelie; Sammut, Lara; Schembri, Martina; Muscat Baron, Yves; Calleja-Agius, Jean; Demicoli, Pierre; Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2020Private body part detection using deep learningTabone, André; Bonnici, Alexandra; Cristina, Stefania; Farrugia, Reuben A.; Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2008A profile-driven sketching interface for pen-and-paper sketchesBartolo, Alexandra; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Farrugia, Philip; Borg, Jonathan C.
2018Quantifying the amount of visual information used by neural caption generatorsTanti, Marc; Gatt, Albert; Camilleri, Kenneth P.