Browsing by Author Camilleri, Kenneth P.

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Showing results 133 to 152 of 159 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021SAT : a Switch-And-Train framework for real-time training of SSVEP-based BCIsZerafa, Rosanne; Camilleri, Tracey A.; Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2009Scribble vectorization using concentric sampling circlesBonnici, Alexandra; Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2007Scribbles to vectors : preparation of scribble drawings for CAD interpretationBartolo, Alexandra; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Fabri, Simon G.; Borg, Jonathan C.; Farrugia, Philip
2015Segmentation and labelling of EEG for brain computer interfacesCamilleri, Tracey A.; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Fabri, Simon G.
2015Semi-supervised segmentation of EEG data in BCI systemsCamilleri, Tracey A.; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Fabri, Simon G.
2007A sketching alphabet for paper-based collaborative designFarrugia, Philip; Borg, Jonathan C.; Yan, Xiu-Tian; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Green, Graham
2000Spectral unmixing of mixed pixels for texture boundary refinementCamilleri, Kenneth P.; Petrou, Maria
2022State of the art of audio- and video-based solutions for AALAleksic, Slavisa; Atanasov, Michael; Calleja-Agius, Jean; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Čartolovni, Anto; Climent-Pérez, Pau; Colantonio, Sara; Cristina, Stefania; Despotovic, Vladimir; Kemal Ekenel, Hazım; Erakin, Ekrem; Florez-Revuelta, Francisco; Germanese, Danila; Grech, Nicole; Gróa Sigurðardóttir, Steinunn; Emirzeoğlu, Murat; Iliev, Ivo; Jovanovic, Mladjan; Kampel, Martin; Kearns, William; Klimczuk, Andrzej; Lambrinos, Lambros; Lumetzberger, Jennifer; Mucha, Wiktor; Noiret, Sophie; Pajalic, Zada; Rodriguez Pérez, Rodrigo; Petrova, Galidiya; Petrovica, Sintija; Pocta, Peter; Poli, Angelica; Pudane, Mara; Spinsante, Susanna; Ali Salah, Albert; Santofimia, Maria Jose; Sigríður Islind, Anna; Stoicu-Tivadar, Lacramioara; Tellioğlu, Hilda; Zgank, Andrej
2011Switching kalman filters for BCI data segmentationCamilleri, Tracey A.; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Fabri, Simon G.
2012-02Switching multiple models for the segmentation of sleep EEG dataCamilleri, Tracey A.; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Fabri, Simon G.
2019A systematic review investigating the relationship of electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography measurements with sensorimotor upper limb impairments after strokeTriccas, L. Tedesco; Meyer, Sarah; Mantini, Dante; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Falzon, Owen; Camilleri, Tracey A.; Verheyden, Geert
2021TEMoD : Target-Enabled Model-Based De-Drifting of the EOG signal baseline using a battery model of the eyeBarbara, Nathaniel; Camilleri, Tracey A.; Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2015Thermographic patterns of the upper and lower limbs : baseline dataGatt, Alfred; Formosa, Cynthia; Cassar, Kevin; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Raffaele, Clifford De; Mizzi, Anabelle; Azzopardi, Carl; Mizzi, Stephen; Falzon, Owen; Cristina, Stefania; Chockalingam, Nachiappan
2010-02Three-mode classification and study of AR pole variations of imaginary left and right hand movementsCamilleri, Tracey A.; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Fabri, Simon G.
2006To extract the independent components of the evoked potentials in the EEG using ICAJervis, Barrie; Belal, Suliman; Herrero, German; Lowe, David; Bigan, Cristin; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Camilleri, Tracey A.; Fabri, Simon G.; Clercq, Wim de; Zervakis, Michalis; Michalopoulos, Kostas
2018To train or not to train? A survey on training of feature extraction methods for SSVEP-based BCIsZerafa, Rosanne; Camilleri, Tracey A.; Falzon, Owen; Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2023Training an EOG-based wordometer without reading - a simple HCI application to quantify reading metricsMifsud, Matthew; Camilleri, Tracey A.; Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2018-05Unobtrusive and pervasive video-based eye-gaze trackingCristina, Stefania; Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2016-05Using switching multiple models for the automatic detection of spindlesCamilleri, Tracey A.; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Fabri, Simon G.
2006Validation of time-frequency and ARMA feature extraction methods in classification of mild epileptic signal patternsSakkalis, Vangelis; Zervakis, Michalis; Bigan, Cristin; Camilleri, Tracey A.; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Fabri, Simon G.; Micheloyannis, Sifis