Browsing by Author Casha, Aaron

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Showing results 45 to 57 of 57 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Rapid fabrication of annuloplasty rings by electron beam meltingFalzon, James; Farrugia, Philip; Casha, Aaron
2011Recent developments in materials and structures exhibiting negative behaviourGrima, Joseph N.; Gatt, Ruben; Attard, Daphne; Casha, Aaron; Cauchi, Reuben; Zerafa, Christine; Caruana-Gauci, Roberto; Ellul, Bridget; Buttigieg, A.; Camilleri, M. T.; Zammit, M.; Manicaro, E.; Chetcuti, E.
2003Repair of adult Scimitar syndrome with an intra-atrial conduitCasha, Aaron; Sulaiman, M.; Cale, Alex
2001Reply to Jutley et al.Casha, Aaron; Gauci, Marilyn; Yang, Lang; Kay, Philip H.; Cooper, Graham J.
2001Reply to Losanoff et al.Casha, Aaron; Gauci, Marilyn; Yang, Lang; Kay, Philip H.; Cooper, Graham J.
2012Rib morphologyCasha, Aaron; Manche, Alexander; Gauci, Marilyn; Schembri-Wismayer, Pierre; Camilleri-Podesta, Marie Therese; Duca, Edward; Gatt, Ruben; Grima, Joseph N.
1999Routine sternal closure using interlocking multitwisted wiresCasha, Aaron; Ashraf, Saeed S.; Kay, Philip H.; Cooper, Graham J.
1996A simple method of aortic root venting for CABGCasha, Aaron; Chandrasekaran, Venkat
2014Spontaneous pneumothoraxCasha, Aaron; Gauci, Marilyn; Gatt, Ruben; Grima, Joseph N.
2011Stents with Zero Poisson's ratio cellsGrima, Joseph N.; Casha, Aaron; Gatt, Ruben
2001Sternal vascularity after harvesting of the internal thoracic arteryCasha, Aaron
2011Transfusion requirements of patients undergoing routine cardiac surgeryManche, Alexander; Casha, Aaron
2012Traumatic rupture of the aorta : a case report and discussion of clinical featuresManche, Alexander; Casha, Aaron; Tomic, Vladimir; Zerafa, Mario