Browsing by Author Ellul-Micallef, Roger

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Showing results 21 to 30 of 30 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2004Novel polymorphisms influencing transcription of the human CHRM2 gene in airway smooth muscleFenech, Anthony G.; Billington, Charlotte K.; Swan, Caroline; Richards, Susan; Hunter, Therese; Ebejer, Martin J.; Felice, Alex; Ellul-Micallef, Roger; Hall, Ian P.
2016Pharmacogenetics of asthma therapeuticsFenech, Anthony G.; Ellul-Micallef, Roger
1976Pulmonary infarction in healthy young malesFenech, Frederick F.; Mallia, Carmel; Ellul-Micallef, Roger
1997Reactive oxygen species and their defence mechanisms in bronchial asthmaFenech, Anthony G.; Ellul-Micallef, Roger
1988Scientific research facilities available at the University Library : the research worker's point of viewEllul-Micallef, Roger
2002-06A sensitive gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric method for the resolution and quantification of ethosuximide enantiomers in biological fluidsSghendo, Lino; Mifsud, Janet; Ellul-Micallef, Roger; Portelli, Joe; Millership, Jeff S.
2012Serum amyloid A in airway cellsButler, Dianne; Fenech, Anthony G.; Grech, Godfrey; Farrugia, R.; Ellul, Bridget; Ellul-Micallef, Roger
1989Tobba Maltin matul iz-zminijietEllul-Micallef, Roger
2003Transcriptional regulation of the human muscarinic M2 receptor geneFenech, Anthony G.; Billington, Charlotte K.; Swan, Caroline; Richards, Susan; Hunter, Therese; Ebejer, Martin J.; Felice, Alex E.; Ellul-Micallef, Roger
2004The use of a non-sedating antihistamine in a hyperbaric environmentPace, Tamsin; Mifsud, Janet; Ellul-Micallef, Roger; Fenech, Anthony G.; Cali-Corleo, R.