Browsing by Author Ferrara, Liberato

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Showing results 15 to 22 of 22 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Performance assessment of ultra-high durability concrete produced from recycled ultra-high durability concreteBorg, Ruben Paul; Cuenca, Estefanía; Garofalo, Roberto; Schillani, Fabrizio; Lozano-Násner, Milena; Ferrara, Liberato
2021Prestazione meccanica e durabilita di calcestruzzi ottenuti da compositi cementizi riciclati ad altissime prestazioniCuenca, Estefanía; Roig-Flores, Marta; Garofalo, Roberto; Lozano-Násner, Milena; Ruiz-Muñoz, Cecilia; Schillani, Fabrizio; Borg, Ruben Paul; Ferrara, Liberato; Serna, Pedro
2023Recycled ultra high performance concrete (UHPC) as a way to reduce the cement demand in new UHPCFerrara, Liberato; Borg, Ruben Paul; Cuenca, Estefania; El-Sayed, May; Vassallo, Christabelle
2023Self-healing capabilities of ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete with recycled aggregatesKannikachalam, Niranjan Prabhu; Borg, Ruben Paul; Cuenca, Estefania; Belie, Nele De; Ferrara, Liberato
2025Self-healing performance of recycled UHPC under chloride exposureDavolio, Marco; Cuenca, Estefania; Borg, Ruben Paul; Ferrara, Liberato
2019Textile reinforced concrete to realise ultra high durability concrete (UHDC) in the framework of the EU H2020 project "ReSHEALience"Schroefl, Christof; Peled, Alva; Regev, Oren; Borg, Ruben Paul; Reichardt, Michaela; Sripada, R.; Mechtcherine, Viktor; Deegan, Peter; Ferrara, Liberato
2019Upgrading the concept of UHPFRC for high durability in the cracked state : the concept of ultra high durability concrete (UHDC) in the approach of the H2020 project ReSHEALienceSerna, Pedro; Lo Monte, Francesco; Mezquida-Alcaraza, Eduardo J.; Cuenca, Estefanía; Mechtcherine, Viktor; Reichardt, Michaela; Peled, Alva; Regev, Oren; Borg, Ruben Paul; Tretjakov, Alexej; Lizunov, Dennis; Sobolev, Konstantin; Sideri, Stamatina; Nelson, Kim; Gastaldo Brac, Enrico Maria; Ferrara, Liberato
2021Valutazione meccanica e durabilità di calcestruzzi ottenuti da compositi cementizi riciclati ad altissime prestazioniCuenca, Estefanía; Roig-Flores, Marta; Garofalo, Roberto; Lozano-Násner, Milena; Ruiz-Muñoz, Cecilia; Schillani, Fabrizio; Borg, Ruben Paul; Ferrara, Liberato; Serna, Pedro