Browsing by Author Galea, Raymond

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Showing results 21 to 37 of 37 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1986Iz-Zanzarell tat-tikkiGalea, Raymond
2010Lanius hybrid ringed on Comino islandHaber, Gilbert; Galea, Raymond
2015Legislation regulating assisted human procreation : a position paperAgius, Emmanuel; Aquilina, Kevin; Attard, Grace; Attard Montalto, Simon; Bonello, Giovanni; Buttigieg, George G.; Camilleri, Astrid; Camilleri, Joe; Delicata, Nadia; Grima, George; Galea, Raymond; Galea, Paul; Mamo, John; Pace, Paul; Peregin, Joseanne; Sammut Scerri, Clarissa; Scerri, Albert Paul; Savona-Ventura, Charles; Schembri Wismayer, Pierre; Vella, Sue; Vella, Anna; Zammit, Raymond
2002A linnet's Carduelis cannabina nest on GozoGalea, Raymond
2020New breeding sites of Yellow-legged Gull around the Maltese IslandsCrymble, James; Austad, Martin; Cachia, Denis; Borg, John J.; Galea, Raymond; Mallia, Manuel
1988A pair of Swallows Hirundo rustica suspected breeding in June 1988Galea, Raymond; Caruana, Raymond
1992Partial albino Subalpine warblerGalea, Raymond
1983Pine bunting - an addition to the list of the birds of MaltaTesta, Raymond; Fenech, Natalino; Galea, Raymond
2002Red-rumped swallow Hirundo daurica moulting wing feathers while on migrationGalea, Raymond
1987Sardinian warbler trapped in spider's webGalea, Raymond
2002Savi’s warbler Locustella luscinioides moulting while on migrationGalea, Raymond
1999Second breeding record of Barn swallow Hirundo rusticaGalea, Raymond
1987Some notes on spotted flycatchers breeding at Buskett during 1983-86Galea, Raymond
1987Two interesting breeding records during 1984Galea, Raymond
1985Unusual number of eggs in a Fan-tailed warbler's nestGalea, Raymond
1981An unusually large influx of Glossy ibisFenech, Natalino; Galea, Raymond
2010An unusually large influx of RuffGalea, Raymond