Browsing by Author Khakee, Anna

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Showing results 3 to 22 of 46 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2004Back to the sources : international small arms transfersKhakee, Anna
2014Blessed is he who considers the human rights paradigm : Maltese aid between charity and human rights and between Catholicism and SecularismCalleja-Ragonesi, Isabelle; Khakee, Anna; Pisani, Maria
2025COVID-19’s lasting effects on forced migrants’ rights at the EU’s southern frontierDeBono, Daniela; Khakee, Anna
2017Democracy aid or autocracy aid? Unintended effects of democracy assistance in MoroccoKhakee, Anna
2002Democracy and marketization in Central and Eastern Europe : case closed?Khakee, Anna
2018Democracy over power? The democratic decision-making process in the case of the attempted privatization of Estonia's power productionKhakee, Anna
2011-02-21Democratic values and cosy relationships in North AfricaKhakee, Anna
2014Democratization : a critical introduction, 2nd ed., by Jean Grugel and Matthew Louis Bishop [book review]Khakee, Anna
2023El reto del pasado colonial en las relaciones euromediterráneasKhakee, Anna
2023The EU and the Israel-Palestine testKhakee, Anna; Pace, Michelle
2021EU democracy projection in the Southern Mediterranean a practice analysisKhakee, Anna; Wolff, Sarah
2022EU democracy promotion cannot continue to remain silent on colonial crimesKhakee, Anna
2007-12EU democracy promotion in Nigeria : between Realpolitik and idealismKhakee, Anna
2022European Colonial pasts and the EU’s democracy-promoting present : silences and continuitiesKhakee, Anna
2019European democracy promotion in the Southern MediterraneanKhakee, Anna
2008Fran Sovjet ockupation till Al Qaida och global uppvarmning : den konstitutionella regleringen av statsmaktens krishantering i ett europeiskt perspektivKhakee, Anna
2017Geopolitics and democracy in the European neighbourhood policyKhakee, Anna; Youngs, Richard
2022Global player status? EU actorness and democracy promotionKhakee, Anna
2023Grundlagar i orostider : beredskapsreglering i ett europeiskt perspektiv [Constitutions in troubled times: Emergency regulations in a European perspective]Khakee, Anna
2018Humanitarian action in international relations : power and politicsKhakee, Anna