Browsing by Author Khakee, Anna

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Showing results 19 to 38 of 46 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Geopolitics and democracy in the European neighbourhood policyKhakee, Anna; Youngs, Richard
2022Global player status? EU actorness and democracy promotionKhakee, Anna
2023Grundlagar i orostider : beredskapsreglering i ett europeiskt perspektiv [Constitutions in troubled times: Emergency regulations in a European perspective]Khakee, Anna
2018Humanitarian action in international relations : power and politicsKhakee, Anna
2003Kosova dhe armet : vleresim baze i armeve te vogla dhe te lehta ne KosoveKhakee, Anna; Florquin, Nicolas
2003-06Kosovo and the gun : a baseline assessment of small arms and light weapons in KosovoKhakee, Anna; Florquin, Nicolas
2007-12La UE y la promocion de la democracia en Nigeria : entre la politica realista y el idealismoKhakee, Anna
2023Le défi du passé colonial dans les relations euroméditerranéennesKhakee, Anna
2009-05-27A long-lasting controversy : Western democracy promotion in JordanKhakee, Anna; Khalaf, Mona; Lutterbeck, Derek; Hourani, Hani; Al-Taher, May
2014The MINURSO mandate, human rights and the autonomy solution for Western SaharaKhakee, Anna
2024The ‘Moroccogate’ scandal and European parliament decision-making on Western SaharaFernández-Molina, Irene; Khakee, Anna
2017NGOs and global trade : non-state voices in EU trade policymakingKhakee, Anna
2010Nigeria : conflict, energy and bad governanceKhakee, Anna; Youngs, Richard
2021Opening up the notion of “closing space” : accounting for normative, actor, and political system diversityKhakee, Anna
2022Para los europeos debe ser fundamental reconocer los crímenes colonialesKhakee, Anna; Tovar, Fran
2018Plus ca change… civilizations, political systems and power politics : a critique of Huntington’s ‘Clash of Civilizations’Khakee, Anna
2008-11Pragmatism rather than backlash : Moroccan perceptions of Western democracy promotionKhakee, Anna; Afoukane, Jaber; Ammor, Fouad M.; Lutterbeck, Derek
2005Reaching for the big picture : an update on small arms transfersKhakee, Anna
2025Repression without compassion : forced migration governance at the EU’s Southern frontierDeBono, Daniela; Khakee, Anna
2009Securing democracy : a comparative analysis of emergency powers in EuropeKhakee, Anna