Browsing by Author Lauri, Josef

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Showing results 14 to 33 of 74 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Degree monotone pathsCaro, Yair; Lauri, Josef; Zarb, Christina
2016Degree monotone paths and graph operationsCaro, Yair; Lauri, Josef; Zarb, Christina
1982Edge-reconstruction of 4-connected planar graphsFiorini, S.; Lauri, Josef
1979Edge-reconstruction of planar graphs with minimum valency 5Lauri, Josef
1993Endvertex-deleted subgraphsLauri, Josef
2018Equating two maximum degreesCaro, Yair; Lauri, Josef; Zarb, Christina
2023The feasibility problem : the family F(G) of all 2 induced G-free graphsCaro, Yair; Cassar, Matthew; Lauri, Josef; Zarb, Christina
2023The feasibility problem for line graphsCaro, Yair; Lauri, Josef; Zarb, Christina
2023Flip colouring of graphsCaro, Yair; Lauri, Josef; Mifsud, Xandru; Yuster, Raphael; Zarb, Christina
2019Florenskij and Georg Cantor : naming infinityLauri, Josef
2024Further applications of schur rings to produce GRRs for dihedral groupsEbejer, Jonathan; Lauri, Josef
2014A generalisation of isomorphisms with applicationsLauri, Josef; Mizzi, Russell; Scapellato, Raffaele
1987Graph reconstruction - some techniques and new problemsLauri, Josef
2018Health and medication literacy and the desire to participate in pharmacotherapy decision making : comparison of two countriesCordina, M.; Hameen-Anttila, K.; Lauri, Josef; Tabone, S.; Enlund, H.
2018Health and medication literacy and the desire to participate in pharmacotherapy decision making – comparison of two countriesCordina, Maria; Hämeen-Anttila, Katri P.; Lauri, Josef; Tabone, S.; Enlund, Hannes
2021Hysteroscopic uterine septum resection. Does it improve live birth rate in primary unexplained infertility? A systematic review and meta-analysisAgius, Maria Petra; Lauri, Josef; Evans, Janet
2015Independence and matchings in σ-hypergraphsCaro, Yair; Lauri, Josef; Zarb, Christina
2022Index of parameters of iterated line graphsCaro, Yair; Lauri, Josef; Zarb, Christina
1996Large sets of pseudosimilar verticesLauri, Josef
2012Links between two semisymmetric graphs on 112 vertices via association schemesKlin, Mikhail; Lauri, Josef; Ziv-Av, Matan