Browsing by Author Lauri, Josef

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Showing results 30 to 49 of 74 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Independence and matchings in σ-hypergraphsCaro, Yair; Lauri, Josef; Zarb, Christina
2022Index of parameters of iterated line graphsCaro, Yair; Lauri, Josef; Zarb, Christina
1996Large sets of pseudosimilar verticesLauri, Josef
2012Links between two semisymmetric graphs on 112 vertices via association schemesKlin, Mikhail; Lauri, Josef; Ziv-Av, Matan
1996Minimal basis for a vector space with an application to singular graphsSciriha, Irene; Fiorini, Stanley; Lauri, Josef
2022Natural orifice versus transabdominal specimen extraction in laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer : meta-analysisBrincat, Svetlana Doris; Lauri, Josef; Cini, Charles
2014Non-monochromatic non-rainbow colourings of σ-hypergraphsCaro, Yair; Lauri, Josef
1996A note on graphs all of whose edges are pseudosimilarLauri, Josef; Scapellato, Raffaele
2019A note on totally-omnitonal graphsCaro, Yair; Lauri, Josef; Zarb, Christina
2019Notes on spreads of degrees in graphsCaro, Yair; Lauri, Josef; Zarb, Christina
1999On a determinant formula for enumerating Euler trails in a class of digraphsLauri, Josef
1997On a formula for the number of Euler trails for a class of digraphsLauri, Josef
2002On disconnected graph with large reconstruction numberAsciak, Kevin J.; Lauri, Josef
1988On pseudosimilarity in graphsLauri, Josef; Marino, M. C.
2020On small balanceable, strongly-balanceable and omnitonal graphsCaro, Yair; Lauri, Josef; Zarb, Christina
2018On stopping rules and the sex ratio at birthGrech, Victor E.; James, William H.; Lauri, Josef
1988On the class-reconstruction number of treesHarary, Frank; Lauri, Josef
2014On the edge-reconstruction number of a treeAsciak, Kevin J.; Lauri, Josef; Myrvold, Wendy; Pannone, Virgilio
2011On the edge-reconstruction number of disconnected graphsAsciak, Kevin J.; Lauri, Josef
1982On the edge-reconstruction of graphs which triangulate surfacesFiorini, Stanley; Lauri, Josef