Browsing by Author Lauri, Josef

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Showing results 60 to 74 of 74 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015The saturation number for the length of degree monotone pathsCaro, Yair; Lauri, Josef; Zarb, Christina
2016Selective hypergraph colouringsCaro, Yair; Lauri, Josef; Zarb, Christina
2005Social representations of organ donors and non‐donorsLauri, Mary Anne; Lauri, Josef
2009Social representations of religion of Maltese university studentsLauri, Mary Anne; Lauri, Josef; Duriez, Bart
2010A survey of some open questions in reconstruction numbersAsciak, Kevin J.; Francalanza, M. A.; Lauri, Josef; Myrvold, W.
2016Topics in graph automorphisms and reconstructionLauri, Josef; Scapellato, Raffaele
2017Two short proofs of the Perfect Forest TheoremCaro, Yair; Lauri, Josef; Zarb, Christina
2011Two-fold automorphisms of graphsLauri, Josef; Mizzi, R.; Scapellato, R.
2004Two-fold orbital digraphs and other constructionsLauri, Josef; Mizzi, Russell; Scapellato, R.
2017Two-fold orbitalsLauri, Josef; Mizzi, Russell; Scapellato, Raffaele
2014Unstable graphs : a fresh outlook via TF-automorphismsLauri, Josef; Mizzi, Russell; Scapellato, Raffaele
2024Using schur rings to produce GRRs for dihedral groupsEbejer, Jonathan; Lauri, Josef
1993Vertex-deleted and edge-deleted subgraphsLauri, Josef
2012Voloshin colourings of mixed hypergraphs derived from graphsLauri, Josef; Gionfriddo, Lucia
2019WASP (write a scientific paper) : using correspondence analysis to investigate qualitative data elicited through photographsLauri, Mary Anne; Lauri, Josef