Browsing by Author Mallia, Bertram

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Showing results 10 to 29 of 42 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019The effect of alloying elements on the properties of pressed and non-pressed biodegradable Fe–Mn–Ag powder metallurgy alloysCaligari Conti, Malcolm; Mallia, Bertram; Sinagra, Emmanuel; Schembri-Wismayer, Pierre; Buhagiar, Joseph P.; Vella, Daniel A.
2012The effect of curing conditions on the physical properties of tricalcium silicate cement for use as a dental biomaterialFormosa, L. M.; Mallia, Bertram; Camilleri, Josette
2017The effect of sliding onto the metal-electrolyte interface : studying model parameter modifications by means of EISCassar, Josianne; Mallia, Bertram; Karl, Andreas; Buhagiar, Joseph P.
2019The effects of cold arm width and metal deposition on the performance of a U-Beam electrothermal MEMS microgripper for biomedical applicationsDemicoli, Marija; Grech, Ivan; Mallia, Bertram; Mollicone, Pierluigi; Sammut, Nicholas
2018The effects of structure thickness, air gap thickness and silicon type on the performance of a horizontal electrothermal MEMS microgripperDemicoli, Marija; Grech, Ivan; Mallia, Bertram; Mollicone, Pierluigi; Sammut, Nicholas
2016EIS of carburised CoCrMo : evolution of parameters characterising the metal-electrolyte interfaceCassar, Josianne; Mallia, Bertram; Karl, Andreas; Buhagiar, Joseph P.
2019Essential design and fabrication considerations for the reliable performance of an electrothermal MEMS microgripperDemicoli, Marija; Grech, Ivan; Mallia, Bertram; Mollicone, Pierluigi; Portelli, Barnaby; Sammut, Nicholas
2011Evaluation of the dimensional changes of mineral trioxide aggregate sealerCamilleri, Josette; Mallia, Bertram
2022Experimental and numerical analysis of MEMS electrothermal actuators with cascaded V-shaped mechanismsSciberras, Thomas; Mollicone, Pierluigi; Demicoli, Marija; Grech, Ivan; Sammut, Nicholas; Mallia, Bertram
2013Exploring new W–B coating materials for the aqueous corrosion–wear protection of austenitic stainless steelMallia, Bertram; Dearnley, Peter A.
2024Hip joint replacement based on linear cylindrical articulations for reduced wear : a radical change in designFanton, Leonardo; Schembri Wismayer, Pierre; Dalli, Donald; Mollicone, Pierluigi; Mallia, Bertram; Bartolo, Maria Kristina; Buhagiar, Joseph P.
2011Hydration characteristics of zirconium oxide replaced Portland cement for use as a root-end filling materialCamilleri, Josette; Cutajar, A.; Mallia, Bertram
2018Improved Tribocorrosion resistance of a CoCrMo implant material by carburisingCassar, Josianne; Mallia, Bertram; Mazzonello, Antonino; Karl, Andreas; Buhagiar, Joseph P.
2013Investigation of the physical properties of tricalcium silicate cement-based root-end filling materialsGrech, L.; Mallia, Bertram; Camilleri, Josette
2016Low temperature carburised austenitic stainless steel for metal-on-metal tribological contactManiscalco, Shaun; Caligari Conti, Malcolm; Cassar, Josianne; Grima, Christian; Karl, Andreas; Schembri Wismayer, Pierre; Mallia, Bertram; Buhagiar, Joseph P.
2023-05MEMS electrothermal actuators for underwater manipulation and mechanical characterisation of human red blood cellsSciberras, Thomas; Mollicone, Pierluigi; Demicoli, Marija; Grech, Ivan; Sammut, Nicholas; Mallia, Bertram
2012The microstructure and surface morphology of radiopaque tricalcium silicate cement exposed to different curing conditionsFormosa, L.M.; Mallia, Bertram; Bull, T.; Camilleri, Josette
2013Mineral trioxide aggregate with anti-washout gel – properties and microstructureFormosa, L.M.; Mallia, Bertram; Camilleri, Josette
2014Optimising sulfuric acid hard coat anodising for an Al–Mg–Si wrought aluminium alloyBartolo, N.; Sinagra, Emmanuel; Mallia, Bertram
2023Polyethylene wear simulation models applied to a prosthetic hip joint based on unidirectional articulationsDalli, Donald; Fanton, Leonardo; Mallia, Bertram; Schembri Wismayer, Pierre; Buhagiar, Joseph P.; Mollicone, Pierluigi