Browsing by Author Mayo, Peter

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Showing results 21 to 40 of 292 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Antonio Gramsci and his relevance for the education of adultsMayo, Peter
2010Antonio Gramsci and his relevance to the education of adultsMayo, Peter
2018Antonio Gramsci and Paulo FreireMayo, Peter
2005Antonio Gramsci and Paulo Freire : some connections and contrastsMayo, Peter
2007-05-03Antonio Gramsci e l’educazione degli adultiMayo, Peter
2005-03Antonio Gramsci y Paulo Freire : algunas conexiones y contrastesMayo, Peter
2022Antonio Gramsci, settler-colonialism and PalestineMayo, Peter
2014Antonio Gramsci’s impact on critical pedagogyMayo, Peter
2011Appreciation : Paul Spiteri (1954-2011)Mayo, Peter
2012The Arab Spring : digitial youth and the challenge of workHerrera, Linda; Mayo, Peter
2010Baroque painting in Malta [Book Review]Mayo, Peter
2024bell hooks three years on from her passingMayo, Peter
2019Boaventura De Sousa Santos. Decolonizing the university : the challenge of deep cognitive justice [book review]Mayo, Peter
2019Book review : Re-reading education policy and practice in small states : issues of size and scale in the emerging intelligent society and economyMayo, Peter
2022Book review symposium : Walter Omar Kohan (2021) Paulo Freire : a philosophical biographyMaisuria, Alpesh; Accioly, Inny; Kirylo, James D.; Mayo, Peter; McLaren, Peter
2012[Book Review] Being young and Muslim : new cultural politics in the global South and North by Linda Herrera & Asef BayatMayo, Peter
2016[Book review] Caitlin Janzen, Donna Jeffrey and Kristin Smith Eds. Unravelling encounters : ethics, knowledge and resistance under neoliberalismMayo, Peter
2015[Book review] Darder, A. Freire and educationMayo, Peter
2020[Book review] Democracy in Southern Europe : colonialism, international relations and Europeanization from Malta to CyprusMayo, Peter
1994[Book Review] Empowering education : critical teaching for social changeMayo, Peter