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Showing results 137 to 156 of 292 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011I contributi di don Lorenzo Milani e Paulo Freire per una pedagogia criticaMayo, Peter
2014Imagining the university [Book Review]Mayo, Peter
2005"In and against the state" : Gramsci, war of position, and adult educationMayo, Peter
2016In defense of a liberal education [Book Review]Mayo, Peter
2021A inflexão Marxista de práxis na pedagogia política de Paulo FreireMayo, Peter
2012The integral state and the philosophy of PraxisMayo, Peter
1997International conference on adult education in small states and islands, Malta, 25-27 November 1995Mayo, Peter
2009IntroductionBorg, Carmel; Mayo, Peter; Sultana, Ronald G.
2014Introduction to Postcolonial Directions in Education, Vol. 3 No. 1Hickling-Hudson, Anne; Mayo, Peter; Raykov, Milosh
2010Introduction: Antonio Gramsci and educational thoughtMayo, Peter
2013-12-16Italian signposts for a sociologically and critically engaged pedagogy : Don Lorenzo Milani (1923-1967) and the schools of San Donato and Barbiana revisitedMayo, Peter
1990Karl Mannheim's contributions to the development of the sociology of knowledgeMayo, Peter
1995L-edukazzjoni ta' l-adultiMayo, Peter
1994L-iskola miftuha ghall-komunitaMayo, Peter
2012-11-19L-Università fl-Ewropa : lil fejn?Mayo, Peter
2013La creazione sociale : relazioni e contesti per educare [Book review]Mayo, Peter
2017La scuola Florestan Fernandes e la pedagogia del Movimento dei contadini Senza Terra (MST) in Brasile : dialogo con Rosana FernandesVittoria, Paolo; Mayo, Peter
2023Labor markets, SDG4 and vocational education and trainingEnglish, Leona M.; Mayo, Peter
2002La pertinenza di Paulo Freire per i paesi del MediterraneoMayo, Peter
2007Learning communities : schools, parents and challenges for wider community involvement in schoolsMayo, Peter