Browsing by Author Mayo, Peter

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Showing results 172 to 191 of 292 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1992MaltaMayo, Peter; Wain, Kenneth; Jarvis, Peter
1995Malta's national curriculum : a critical analysisBorg, Carmel; Camilleri, Jennifer; Mayo, Peter; Xerri, Toni
1995The Maltese community in Toronto : a proposed adult education strategyBorg, Carmel; Camilleri, Jennifer; Mayo, Peter
2000Maltese museums, adult education and cultural politicsMayo, Peter; Borg, Carmel
2012Marx and education [Book Review]Mayo, Peter
2000Marxism’s impact on adult educationMayo, Peter
2019Massimiliano Tarozzi and Carlos Alberto Torres. Global citizenship education and the crises of multiculturalism : comparative perspectives [book review]Mayo, Peter
2018The Mediterranean : adult education landmarksMayo, Peter
2010Melchiorre Cafa : Maltese genius of the Roman baroque [Book Review]Mayo, Peter
2013-12-09Migration across the Mediterranean : when will Europe see that too many people have died?Mayo, Peter; Simicevic, Hrvoje
1984Milton : of the Devil's party?Mayo, Peter
1995Multifunctionalism, volunteers and the “school culture” : adult education in the Maltese contextBaldacchino, Godfrey; Mayo, Peter
2016Museum displays and their contemporary sociological resonanceBorg, Carmel; Mayo, Peter
2010Museums : adult education as cultural politicsBorg, Carmel; Mayo, Peter
2013Museums as sites of critical pedagogical practiceMayo, Peter
2003Museums education and cultural contestation : the case of the Malta Maritime MuseumBorg, Carmel; Cauchi, Bernard; Mayo, Peter
1981The national museum of fine arts : a guide for teachers (text & notes)Mayo, Peter
2000New research directions in popular education : towards a reconceptualization of the fieldLange, Elizabeth; Mayo, Peter; Miles, Angela; Schugurensky, Daniel
2007Nicaragua : past and presentZuniga, Maria Hamlyn; Borg, Carmel; Mayo, Peter
2012Nyerere's postcolonial approach to educationMayo, Peter; Abdi, Ali A.