Browsing by Author Parascandalo, Raymond

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Showing results 5 to 10 of 10 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Overview of the blood transfusion policy in preterms on the Neonatal Intensive Care UnitSaid Conti, Valerie; Azzopardi, Eugenio; Parascandalo, Raymond; Soler, Paul; Attard Montalto, Simon
1997Pentalogy of Cantrell : the first Maltese case with successful outcomeGrech, Victor E.; Parascandalo, Raymond; Rees, Philip G.
1996Screening for congenital hypothyroidism in Maltese newborns using cord bloodParascandalo, Raymond; Felice, Alex; Rizzo, M.; Vassallo Agius, Paul
2005Sepiapterin reductase deficiency : a congenital dopa-responsive motor and cognitive disorderParascandalo, Raymond; Farrugia, Rosienne; Felice, Alex; Neville, Brian G. R.
2012Sepiapterin reductase deficiency : a treatable mimic of cerebral palsyFriedman, Jennifer; Roze, Emmanuel; Abdenur, Jose E.; Chang, Richard; Gasperini, Serena; Saletti, Veronica; Wali, Gurusidheshwar M.; Eiroa, Hernan; Neville, Brian G. R.; Felice, Alex; Parascandalo, Raymond; Zafeiriou, Dimitrios I.; Arrabal-Fernandez, Luisa; Dill, Patricia; Eichler, Florian S.; Echenne, Bernard; Gutierrez-Solana, Luis G.; Hoffmann, Georg F.; Hyland, Keith; Kusmierska, Katarzyna; Tijssen, Marina A. J.; Lutz, Thomas; Mazzuca, Michel; Penzien, Johann; Poll-The, Bwee Tien; Sykut-Cegielska, Jolanta; Szymanska, Krystyna; Thony, Beat; Blau, Nenad
2019Two novel GJA1 variants in oculodentodigital dysplasiaPace, Nikolai Paul; Benoit, Valerie; Agius, David; Grima, Maria Angela; Parascandalo, Raymond; Hilbert, Pascale; Borg, Isabella