Browsing by Author Qin, Wanhai

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Showing results 5 to 12 of 12 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021An epigenetic and transcriptomic signature of immune tolerance in human monocytes through multi-omics integrationBrands, Xanthe; Haak, Bastiaan W.; Klarenbeek, Augustijn M.; Butler, Joe M.; Uhel, Fabrice; Qin, Wanhai; Otto, Natasja A.; Jakobs, Marja E.; Faber, Daniël R.; Lutter, René; Joost Wiersinga, W.; Poll, Tom van der; Scicluna, Brendon P.
2021Flagellin induces innate immune genes in bronchial epithelial cells in vivo : role of TET2Qin, Wanhai; Brands, Xanthe; Veer, Cornelis Van't; Vos, Alex F. de; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Poll, Tom van der
2021HIVEP1 is a negative regulator of NF-κB that inhibits systemic inflammation in sepsisMatsumoto, Hisatake; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Jim, Kin Ki; Falahi, Fahimeh; Qin, Wanhai; Gürkan, Berke; Malmström, Erik; Meijer, Mariska T.; Butler, Joe M.; Khan, Hina N.; Takagi, Tsuyoshi; Ishii, Shunsuke; Schultz, Marcus J.; Beek, Diederik van de; Vos, Alex F. de; Veer, Cornelis Van't; Poll, Tom van der
2022Myeloid cell tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 2 does not affect the host response during gram-negative bacterial pneumonia and sepsisQin, Wanhai; Brands, Xanthe; Veer, Cornelis Van't; Vos, Alex F. de; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Poll, Tom van der
2022Myeloid DNA methyltransferase3b deficiency aggravates pulmonary fibrosis by enhancing profibrotic macrophage activationQin, Wanhai; Arnold Spek, C.; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Poll, Tom van der; Duitman, JanWillem
2023Myeloid miR-155 plays a limited role in antibacterial defense during Klebsiella-derived pneumosepsis and is dispensable for lipopolysaccharide- or Klebsiella-induced inflammation in miceQin, Wanhai; Saris, Anno; van ’t Veer, Cornelis; Roelofs, Joris J. T. H.; Scicluna, Brendon P.; de Vos, Alex F.; van der Poll, Tom
2021The role of host cell DNA methylation in the immune response to bacterial infectionQin, Wanhai; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Poll, Tom van der
2021Role of myeloid Tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 2 in pulmonary and peritoneal inflammation induced by lipopolysaccharide and peritonitis induced by Escherichia coliQin, Wanhai; Brands, Xanthe; Matsumoto, Hisatake; Butler, Joe M.; Veer, Cornelis Van't; Vos, Alex F. de; Roelofs, Joris J. T. H.; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Poll, Tom van der