Browsing by Author Sammut, Mario R.

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Showing results 41 to 58 of 58 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005Prevention and health promotion in clinical practice : the views of general practitioners in EuropeBrotons, Carlos; Bjfrkelund, Celia; Bulc, Mateja; Ciurana, Ramon; Godycki-Cwirko, Maciek; Jurgova, Eva; Kloppe, Pilar; Lionis, Christos; Mierzecki, Artur; Pineiro, Rosa; Pullerits, Liivia; Sammut, Mario R.; Sheehan, Mary; Tataradze, Revaz; Thireos, Eleftherios; Vuchak, Jasna
2000-12Primary health care services in Malta : provision, utilisation and reformSammut, Mario R.
2020-12Quality improvement through evaluation of GP trainers’ continuing professional development in MaltaSammut, Mario R.; Abela, Gunther
2014-05A review of certain recent advances in primary health careBaldacchino, Marilyn; Bezzina, Glorianne; Scerri, Anne Marie; Sammut, Mario R.
2022-12A review of GP trainees’ evaluations of placements in hospital and community medicine during 2020-21 within Malta’s specialist training programme in family medicineSammut, Mario R.; Abela, Günther; Abela, Sonia; Pullicino, Glorianne; Scerri, Anne Marie
2019-12A seven-year review (2011-17) of the work-based assessment component of Malta’s Specialist Training Programme in Family MedicineSammut, Mario R.; Abela, Gunther
2015-09Silver service : 25 years of activities by the Malta College of Family Doctors (1990-2015)Sammut, Mario R.
2006-12Smoking cessation in family practiceSammut, Mario R.
2013-12Specialist training in family medicine in Malta during 2007-2012 : a comparative evaluation of the first and fifth years of the programmeSammut, Mario R.; Abela, Gunther
2003State primary health care : addressing medical manpower needs.Sammut, Mario R.
2013-04A study of general practice consultations at Mosta Health Centre, MaltaCuschieri, Sarah; Sammut, Mario R.
2017-08Ten years of specialist training in family medicine in Malta 2007-17Sammut, Mario R.
2002-06Tightening Tobacco control legislation in Malta : a national health promotion initiative on smokingSammut, Mario R.
2012-08A training needs analysis of health care providers within Malta’s Primary Health Department : a boon or a bane?Sammut, Mario R.; Bombagi, Mariella; Cachia Fearne, Rebecca
2013-08Training, status and migration of general practitioners / family physicians within EuropeClarke, Owen; Lindh, Monica E. B.; Sammut, Mario R.; Price, Roger; Svavarsdottir, Alma Eir; O'Shea, Brendan; European Academy of Teachers in General Practice. Family medicine
2007Turning the winter of doctor discontent to summer : tackling GP needs in state primary careSammut, Mario R.
1999-12University department of family medicine to be set up : proposals for reform in primary care to be presented to cabinet press releaseSammut, Mario R.
2014-12Work-based assessment within Malta’s specialist training programme in family medicineSammut, Mario R.; Abela, Gunther