Browsing by Author Savona-Ventura, Charles

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Showing results 57 to 76 of 234 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Early 19th century reports of the Spedale Maggiore dell’ Ordine de SS. Maurizio e LazzaroSavona-Ventura, Charles
2004Early medical literature in Maltese during the XIX and XX centurySavona-Ventura, Charles
2010Early metabolic imprinting as a determinant of childhood obesityScerri, Charles; Savona-Ventura, Charles
2015-11The economical sustanance of the Order of St Lazarus in the Kingdom of JerusalemSavona-Ventura, Charles
2021Efficacy of acupuncture in treating chronic non-specific low back painGuo, Ming; Cacciottolo, Joseph M.; Yi, Li; Savona-Ventura, Charles
2004Embryonal risks in gestational diabetes mellitusSavona-Ventura, Charles; Gatt, Miriam
1986Endometrial adenocarcinoma in the Maltese population : an epidemiological studySavona-Ventura, Charles; Grech, Edwin S.
1992-01-25Ethical issues in AIDS screening introduction : why screen?Savona-Ventura, Charles
2013Factors determining gender ratio in the Maltese populationSavona-Ventura, Stephanie; Savona-Ventura, Charles
2011Factors influencing the future of paediatric private practice in MaltaGrech, Victor E.; Savona-Ventura, Charles; Attard Montalto, Simon; Gatt, Miriam
2003Family history in the Aetiology of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Type 2 DiabetesSavona-Ventura, Charles; Schranz, Antoine G.; Chircop, Marcelle
2009Fenugreek : a natural prototype oral hypoglycaemic agent used in MaltaSavona-Ventura, Charles
2021First aid manual : Military & Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of JerusalemAbela, Luke; Attard Montalto, Simon; Cuschieri, Sarah; Debono, Joseph; Gatt, Raymond; Joslin, Jonathan; Käser, Martin; Sammut, Kim; Savona-Ventura, Charles; Vella, Christine; Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem. Office of the Grand Hospitaller
1999-12The first hospital of the Order of St. John of JerusalemSavona-Ventura, Charles
2017-06The first schism affecting the Order of Saint LazarusSavona-Ventura, Charles
2017-06Foreword : King St Louis and the Order of St LazarusSavona-Ventura, Charles
1984The fossil herpetofauna of the Maltese Islands : a reviewSavona-Ventura, Charles
2017-06The Fratres Hospitalis S. Lazari in Regnium SiciliaeSavona-Ventura, Charles
2014Future ethical issues involving reproduction - with examples from Star TrekSavona-Ventura, Charles; Grech, Victor E.
2024GDM diagnostic criteria in use in the Mediterranean regionCraus, Johann; Savona-Ventura, Charles; Vassallo, Josanne; Education Study Group MGSD