Browsing by Author Savona-Ventura, Charles

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Showing results 160 to 179 of 234 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1998The naval career of Sir Thomas Spencer Wells in the Mediterranean : 1842-1853Savona-Ventura, Charles
2024New insight in the progress of zinc polysaccharide complex : preparation, structural features, bioactivities and applicationZhang, Jinrui; Jia, Yanan; Yi, Xudong; Yao, Yiman; Savona-Ventura, Charles; Buhagiar, Joseph A.; Zhang, Min; Chen, Haixia
2002Nicknames in nineteenth century GozoSavona-Ventura, Charles
1994Nineteenth-century disciplinary enquiry at Victoria Hospital, GozoSavona-Ventura, Charles
1996Obesity and its obstetric implicationsEl Nahhal, K.; Savona-Ventura, Charles
2013Obstetric adiposity in the Mediterranean regionSavona-Ventura, Charles; Marre, Michel; Vassallo, Josanne; Karamanos, Basilios; MGSD-GDM study group
2009Ode a la glorie des chavaliers de l'ordre de saint lazare des JerusalemSavona-Ventura, Charles; Coras, Jacques de
2020Oil exploration in MaltaSavona-Ventura, Charles
1981On the occurrence of Apodemus Sylvaticus (Linnaeus) (Mammalia, Rodentia, Murinidae) in the Maltese Islands : with notes on other Maltese rodentsSavona-Ventura, Charles
2003Ophthalmology in Malta : a historical outlineSavona-Ventura, Charles
2018-12Order of Charity Newsletter : December 2018The Raoul Follereau Foundation (Malta). The Order of Charity; Savona-Ventura, Charles
2018-03Order of Charity Newsletter : March 2018The Raoul Follereau Foundation (Malta). The Order of Charity; Savona-Ventura, Charles
2015-11The Order of St. Lazarus in the Battle of Lepanto, October 1571Savona-Ventura, Charles
1994An outbreak of cerebrospinal fever in a 19th century British Mediterranean naval baseSavona-Ventura, Charles
2004The outcome of Gestational Diabetic pregnancies in the Maltese IslandsSavona-Ventura, Charles; Chircop, Marcelle; Ellul, Alan; Azzopardi, Joseph; Janulova, Lina
2002-12Parasites and pests of medical significance in the Maltese environment : a historical review of culprit speciesSavona-Ventura, Charles
2005Past Influenza pandemics and their effect in MaltaSavona-Ventura, Charles
2005Patho-anatomical realism in Mattia Preti's artSavona-Ventura, Charles; Vella, Joe
1985Perinatal mortality in the Maltese IslandsSavona-Ventura, Charles; Grech, E.S.
1996Petrol lead in a small island environmentSammut, Michael; Savona-Ventura, Charles