Browsing by Author Savona-Ventura, Charles

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Showing results 175 to 194 of 234 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2002-12Parasites and pests of medical significance in the Maltese environment : a historical review of culprit speciesSavona-Ventura, Charles
2005Past Influenza pandemics and their effect in MaltaSavona-Ventura, Charles
2005Patho-anatomical realism in Mattia Preti's artSavona-Ventura, Charles; Vella, Joe
1985Perinatal mortality in the Maltese IslandsSavona-Ventura, Charles; Grech, E.S.
1996Petrol lead in a small island environmentSammut, Michael; Savona-Ventura, Charles
1991Pharmacological measures to prevent post-operative urinary retention : a prospective randomized studySavona-Ventura, Charles; Grech, E.S.; Saliba, Isabelle
1991Placenta Praevia : management in the last centurySavona-Ventura, Charles
1997-06Pocket set of surgical instrumentsSavona-Ventura, Charles; Thake, John
1988-06Precautions before prescribing the pillSavona-Ventura, Charles
2022Predicting the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus through nearest neighbor classificationTesta, Louisa; Caruana, Mark Anthony; Kontorinaki, Maria; Savona-Ventura, Charles
2004-08Pregnancy in Maltese drug-abusers : a socio-biological studySavona-Ventura, Charles
2015Problem-based teaching in obstetrics & gynaecology : part 1 : obstetricsSavona-Ventura, Charles
2010Professional medical journal publications in MaltaSavona-Ventura, Charles
1999Punic echinoderm remains excavated from Tas-Silg, Malta : report submitted to the Department of Archaeology, University of MaltaSavona-Ventura, Charles
2002Punic mythology and medicineSavona-Ventura, Charles
1992-01-25Questionnaire survey : attitudes towards routine screening of patients presenting for high risk managementSavona-Ventura, Charles
1989Rational prescribing of oral contraceptivesSavona-Ventura, Charles
1999Regional differences in birth prevalence of congenital heart disease in MaltaGrech, Victor E.; Agius Muscat, Hugo; Savona-Ventura, Charles; Pace, Joe
2014Relation of the Mediterranean diet with the incidence of gestational diabetesKaramanos, Basil G.; Thanopoulou, Anastasia; Anastasiou, Eleni A.; Assaad-Khalil, Samir Helmy; Albache, Nizar; Bachaoui, Malika; Slama, Claude Ben; El-Ghomari, Hassan; Jotic, Aleksandra Z.; Lalic, Nebojša M.; Lapolla, Annunziata; Saab, Cyrine; Marre, Michel; Vassallo, Josanne; Savona-Ventura, Charles
1979Renal neoplasms : clinical caseSavona-Ventura, Charles