Browsing by Author Savona-Ventura, Charles

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Showing results 214 to 233 of 234 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2001Taxonomic status of the Maltese wall lizard (Podarcis Filfolensis Bedriaga 1876)Savona-Ventura, Charles
2012Terminations of pregnancy in the European UnionGissler, Mika; Fronteira, Inês Santos Estevinho; Jahn, Albrecht; Karro, Helle; Moreau, Caroline; Silva, Miguel Oliveira da; Ølsen, Jörn Ø.R.; Savona-Ventura, Charles; Temmerman, Marleen I. L.; Hemminki, Elina K.; REPROSTAT group
2003The threshold criteria for the 75g oral glucose tolerance test in pregnancy and short-term adverse pregnancy outcomesSavona-Ventura, Charles; Chircop, M.
2022Thyroid dysfunction in pregnancy : a retrospective observational analysis of a Maltese cohortVella, Katia; Vella, Sandro; Savona-Ventura, Charles; Vassallo, J.
2015-11Torri ta’ Lanzun : from farmhouse to Grand Chancellery of the Military & Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus of JerusalemSavona-Ventura, Charles
2020-08Traditional counter-stimulation practices in a Central Mediterranean island populationSavona-Ventura, Charles
2013Transgenerational metabolic determinants of fetal birth weightAgius, R.; Savona-Ventura, Charles; Vassallo, Josanne
2011Universitas Studiorum Melitensis Medicinae Chirugiaeque Facultate : Facultate AlumniSavona-Ventura, Charles
2007Universitas Studiorum Melitensis, Medicinae Chirugiaeque Facultate : roll of honourSavona-Ventura, Charles; Borg Galea, C.
1984-12The use of analgesia and anaesthesia during labour at St. Luke's Hospital, MaltaSavona-Ventura, Charles
2017Valetta 2018 : medical heritageSavona-Ventura, Charles
2003The Valletta Sacra Infermeria in travelogues and artSavona-Ventura, Charles
2009Victualling of Malta-based naviesSavona-Ventura, Charles
2010Virtu della pietra di S. PaoloGrand Priory of the Maltese Islands; Savona-Ventura, Charles
2006War and population change in the Maltese contextSavona-Ventura, Charles
2018WASP (write a scientific paper) : how to write a scientific thesisCuschieri, Sarah; Grech, Victor E.; Savona-Ventura, Charles
2019WASP (write a scientific paper) : structuring a scientific paperCuschieri, Sarah; Grech, Victor E.; Savona-Ventura, Charles
2018WASP (write a scientific paper) : writing for the mediaCuschieri, Sarah; Grech, Victor E.; Savona-Ventura, Charles
2011The William Hardy Shield for infant welfare rediscoveredAttard Montalto, Simon; Savona-Ventura, Charles
2009World War II and population change in the Maltese contextSavona-Ventura, Charles