Browsing by Author Schembri, John A.

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Showing results 2 to 21 of 28 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024The changing face of port geography through cartography : a case study of Mġarr Harbour (Gozo)Gauci, Ritienne; Schembri, John A.
2015-04Coastal salt pans : strengthening the new emerging role of Maltese shore platforms for geo-tourism with GIS MappingGauci, Ritienne; Schembri, John A.; Mizzi, Raphael; Inkpen, Rob
2013Comparative median grain size assessment through three different techniques for sandy beach deposits on the Maltese Islands (Central Mediterranean)Deidun, Alan; Gauci, Ritienne; Schembri, John A.; Segina, Ela; Gauci, Adam; Gianni, Fabrizio; Gutierrez, Juan Angel; Sciberras, Arnold; Sciberras, Jeffrey
2014-05Down memory lane : geographies of Maltese coastal villages at the turn of the 20th centurySchembri, John A.; Gauci, Ritienne; Farrugia, Charles J.; Callus, Leonard
2020Durham University and its role in Malta's development planning during the 1950s through applied researchSchembri, John A.; Chester, David K.; Gauci, Ritienne; Speake, Janet; Duncan, Angus M.; Causon Deguara, Joanna
2021Erosional landforms and biological structures in tectonically stable areas in the Mediterranean basinVaccher, Valeria; Furlani, Stefano; Biolchi, Sara; Boccali, Chiara; Busetti, Alice; Antonioli, Fabrizio; Vacchi, Matteo; Torricella, Fiorenza; Agate, Mauro; Caldareri, Francesco; Chemello, Renato; Lo Presti, Valeria; Canziani, Fabio; Dean, Silas; Trainito, Egidio; Navone, Augusto; Sabata, Eleonora de; Anzidei, Marco; Causon Deguara, Joanna; Gauci, Ritienne; Schembri, John A.; Orrù, Paolo; Taviani, Marco; Dal Bo, Elisa; Venturini, Elisa
2019Filfla : a case study of the effect of target practice on coastal landformsFurlani, Stefano; Gauci, Ritienne; Devoto, Stefano; Schembri, John A.
2017From outcrops to maps : the birth of geological maps of the Maltese Islands in the 19th century – Part 1Gauci, Ritienne; Schembri, John A.
2019From outcrops to maps : the birth of geological maps of the Maltese Islands in the 19th century – Part 2Gauci, Ritienne; Schembri, John A.
2022From outcrops to maps : the birth of geological maps of the Maltese Islands in the 19th century – Part 3Gauci, Ritienne; Schembri, John A.
2018The hazard exposure of the Maltese IslandsMain, Geoff; Schembri, John A.; Gauci, Ritienne; Crawford, Kevin; Chester, David; Duncan, Angus
2014"Hemme ard bayda v hemme ard seude et hamyra" : Kif il-ġeografija tgħinna nifhmu l-KantilenaSchembri, John A.
2000Il-ġeografija ta' Ħal-KirkopSchembri, John A.; Bonnici, Kurt
2015-04Integration of the geomorphological environment and cultural heritage for tourism promotion: a case study from Gozo (Maltese Islands)Coratza, Paola; Gauci, Ritienne; Schembri, John A.; Soldati, Mauro; Tonelli, Chiara
2019Introduction to landscapes and landforms of the Maltese IslandsGauci, Ritienne; Schembri, John A.
2019Landscapes and landforms of the Maltese IslandsGauci, Ritienne; Schembri, John A.
1995Littoral land use competition at Xemxija a touristic area in the Maltese IslandsSchembri, John A.; Magri, Odette
2015Malta and Gozo in a 1907 Public Works series of sketches of villages – a study of street patterns, hachures and lost coastlinesSchembri, John A.; Gauci, Ritienne; Farrugia, Charles J.; Callus, Leonard
2017Malta in the First World War : an appraisal through cartography and local newspapersSchembri, John A.; Gauci, Ritienne; Furlani, Stefano; Mizzi, Raphael
2014Maltese coastal salt pans : measurement, mapping and management of Xwejni salt pans at Marsalforn, GozoGauci, Ritienne; Schembri, John A.