Browsing by Author Schembri, Kevin

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Showing results 8 to 27 of 39 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017The dignity and rights of migrants in Catholic canon lawSchembri, Kevin
2024Drafting particular law for Malta and Gozo : the operations of the Commission of the Maltese Episcopal Conference (1983-1988)Schembri, Kevin
2021The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic : religion and spirituality during the challenging timesGalea, Paul; Dimech, Pauline; Gellel, Adrian-Mario; Schembri, Kevin; Sultana, Carl-Mario
2023The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic : religion and spirituality in these challenging timesGalea, Paul; Gellel, Adrian; Sultana, Carl-Mario; Schembri, Kevin
2003Empyema thoracis caused by a foreign body inhaled 30 years previouslySerafimov, Viktor; Montefort, Stephen; Manche, Alexander; Schembri, Kevin
2005Evaluating a trainee’s progress in surgical dexterityManche, Alexander; Schembri, Kevin
2022The evolution of canonical norms on sexual abuse in the Catholic Church : from 1917 to 1922Schembri, Kevin
2024From the upper room to the bedroom : Christ in the last supper as an exemplar for spousal sexual intimacySchembri, Kevin; Calleja, Carlo
2018Gustavo Gutierrez (1928- )Schembri, Kevin
2009Homosexuality models of moral reasoning & pastoral ministrySchembri, Kevin
2023Il-Programm 'Palmisti' Il-leħen tas-Sezzjoni Żgħażagħ PalmistiSchembri, Kevin
2016Improving myocardial protection : the key variables which affect troponin release after CABGSladden, David; Camilleri, Liberato; Xeureb, Robert; Galea, Joseph; Schembri, Kevin
2021In-normi kanoniċi tal-Knisja Kattolika dwar l-abbuż sesswali ta’ persuni minuri u vulnerabbli (1917-2021)Schembri, Kevin
2022Is-sinodu tal-isqfijiet minn Pawlu VI sa Franġisku : normi, proċeduri u żviluppi.Schembri, Kevin
2014L-Offerta għall-Knisja : kummentarju fuq it-Talba tal-11:00 mill-Arloġġ MuseuminSchembri, Kevin
2016Laparoscopic omentoplasty and split skin graft for deep sternal wound infection and dehiscence patientSladden, David; Darmanin, Francis X.; Axisa, Benedict; Galea, Joseph; Schembri, Kevin
2023Lejn ħelsien sħiħ : it-teoloġija ta' Gustavo Gutierrez OPSchembri, Kevin
2020Li ma niċħadlu xejn : in-naħa minsija ta' Tereża ta' KalkuttaSchembri, Kevin
2020No couple is an island : communities of support in couple relationshipsSchembri, Kevin
2021Novel leukocyte-depleted platelet-rich plasma-based skin equivalent as an in vitro model of chronic wounds : a preliminary studySeria, Elisa; Galea, George; Borg, Joseph J.; Grech, Gabriella; Felice, Alexander; Schembri, Kevin