Browsing by Author Schembri, Kevin

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Showing results 28 to 39 of 39 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Oikonomia, divorce and remarriage in the Eastern Orthodox traditionSchembri, Kevin
2015The Orthodox tradition on divorced and remarried faithful : what can the Catholic Church learn?Schembri, Kevin
2013Plucked human hair shafts and biomolecular medical researchScerri, Christian A.; Ayers, Duncan; Schembri, Kevin
2022Possible role of circulating bone marrow mesenchymal progenitors in modulating inflammation and promoting wound repairGrech, Laura; Ebejer, Jean Paul; Mazzitelli, Oriana; Borg, Joseph J.; Seria, Elisa; Schembri, Kevin
2022Presentation of oikonomia, divorce and remarriage in the Eastern Orthodox ChurchesSchembri, Kevin
2016Recurrent chest infections in two young non-smoker menSladden, David; Montefort, Stephen; Galea, Joseph; Schembri, Kevin
2024Reform in action : the application of Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus at the Archdiocese of MaltaSchembri, Kevin
2024Reform in aktion : die anwendung von mitis ludex Dominus Iesus in der Erzdiözese von MaltaSchembri, Kevin
2021Relacions entre persones del mateix sexe i el panorama cristià contemporani : una pluralitat de posicionsSchembri, Kevin
2021Same-sex relationships and the contemporary Christian landscape : a plurality of positionsSchembri, Kevin
2024Setting the stage : petition preparation for a canonical marriage nullity caseSchembri, Kevin
2005Vjaġġ f'Qalb il-Bniedem : Emails mill-IndjaSchembri, Kevin